Chapter 1

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I had an ominous feeling deep in my bones that someone was following me. I glanced behind me as I turned the corner into a dark alleyway. I saw a movement in my peripheral vision and that ominous feeling intensified, someone was following me. I hurried down the alleyway and as I flickered my eyes behind me again, I saw a black figure turn the corner I had just rounded.

My face drained of colour and my heart began pumping with adrenaline as my suspicions were confirmed. Without another thought, I started sprinting. In response I heard the clamper of feet hitting the concrete behind me.

I couldn't stay in the shadows any longer but I also knew where this alleyway led to. The one place that I avoided at all costs. As I reached the end of the darkened alleyway, I swiftly walked out onto the sidewalk and was instantly bombarded with the noise of people as the roads out the front of the high school were swarmed with recently release students.

I tried to act as normal as possible but I felt anything but normal inside, my heart was crashing in my chest. I glanced behind me again and my chest deflated in relief to see that the figure had disappeared.

My muscles relaxed as the tension left my body. That was the second time it felt like someone was following me home from work. It was becoming increasingly perturbing and ensuring I wasn't alone with a stalker was the only reason I would go anywhere close to the one place that I tried to avoid at all costs. The high school.

"Is that Cordelia Holland?" I heard someone spit in disgust. I dropped my head and pulled my hoodie up but it didn't seem to help.

"Why don't you go rot in prison like your worthless father," shouted a male voice. I turned my head slightly to see a few teenagers snickering together and all the students that were there were looking right at me. My face heated up and my stomach jumped in embarrassment and without another thought I ran.

As soon as I rounded the corner onto the street away from the hateful eyes, I rested my back against a tree and closed my eyes. I ran my hands down my face and the memories came rushing back from how my life became this hell when it was turned upside down in a matter of seconds.

It was six months ago when I was blasting the music in my brand-new convertible with my designer dress blowing in the wind behind me as I pulled up into my mansion. I dropped my Gucci bag into a pile of mud when I found the house swarmed with police cars.

My immediate thought was that someone had broken into our house but when I saw my mother crying on the steps of our house, I knew that something was terribly wrong. My mother did not cry. That was when the police forcibly brought my father out of the house in handcuffs.

I was shocked to say the least. I thought there had to be something wrong, my father had worked his heart out his entire life to provide for us. He was the mayor of our town and was excelling as an honourable politician. I ran over to my mother completely flabbergasted at what was occurring. She saw the look of disbelief and outrage on my face and said the one thing that changed my life forever.

"He has been stealing off the city, they are taking everything we own," she exclaimed defeated, dropping her head into her hands.

And they took everything, my convertible, our house and we were left with nothing but the clothes on our backs. My mother believed that we would be fine for money because she had saving from the inheritance her parents had left her. But my father had spent that too without her knowledge. I suppose my father did get what he deserved, a ten-year jail sentence, lost his family and lost his title of town mayor to his biggest rival, Tony Livingston.

My mother and I were left with nothing but the four hundred dollars that my mother had in her purse. The next day my mother and I began looking for work but no one wanted to hire as they knew my father was stealing off them to increase our wealth. But luckily my mother managed to find a cleaningjob at the only hospital we have in our small city through an old friend who worked there as well. It wasn't much but it kept us alive and eventually we saved up enough to rent out a small apartment.

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