Three- Dark Caves

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I was finally able to find sleep shortly after noticing Bastion had gone out like a light. I felt myself drift away from the stressful day we had just had into a peaceful slumber. All the fear and confusion faded away, like watching the waves of the ocean wash sand away with its strong waters.

I opened my emerald green eyes and felt the softest blanket I have ever felt wrapped around my body. I cuddled into it and let my body relax into its warm embrace.

I furrowed my eyebrows once I realized I was no longer in my tent, and not anywhere in sight were my group of friends. I looked around and saw a man standing a few feet away. He was so peculiar as he appeared so different and beautiful. His hair was the most beautiful black silky hair I have ever seen and his eyes... oh those eyes. They were the most magnificent purple eyes. They seemed to sparkle when they looked at me, staring at me as though I was a peculiar creature as well.

He stood there looking at me with such curiosity, it almost made my cheeks turn into a blush. As I observed the beautiful man more, I noticed how well built he was. His legs were long and muscular, his torso and chest were chiseled like a statue of a god. His jawline was sharp, and his lips were full for a man, looking so soft and welcoming. His silky black hair was shaved on the sides and looked almost tossed to the side and messy on the top with the slightest hint of a wave. He was truly a beautiful creature.

I moved my gaze to his eyes without realizing what I was doing and we made complete eye contact. I felt my chest grow tight and I felt a strange pulling feeling, as though my heart wanted out of my chest and was pushing to get out.

I kept looking at him, staring blatantly at his beauty, when I noticed his eyes change. They changed to a beautiful burgundy color, like a deep red wine. They seemed to grow even brighter. As I began to sit up to get a better look at the man, I was suddenly pulled back down and thrown into darkness.

My eyes sprung open when my body was being shaken viciously.

"Hey Queen time to get moving," he said kindly while violently shaking me. I groaned and sat up looking into his ocean colored eyes.

I began thinking of my dream and the gorgeous man who was the star of it. I then suddenly remembered what Grayson had said about the aliens description; black or white hair with purple eyes. Was the man I had just dreamt about an alien? I shook my head, attempting to shake the thoughts of the possible alien dream man out of my mind.

I grabbed my backpack and rummaged through my clothes before I pulled a pair of black frayed shorts on with a simple gray cami tucked into them. I yawned while stretching and pulled my hair into a small ponytail. After pulling my boots on I climbed out of the tent with all my gear and backpack.

As I looked around I noticed everyone wore worried and scared looks. "What's going on?" I asked, looking at everyone's expressions.

"It's Bex and Garret," Kaylee started. "They left last night. We think they wanted to go find out if their families were alive," she paused, looking down.

"We haven't heard from her, and she had her phone but we never got a signal here. I checked my phone in case a miracle happened, but of course there was nothing. We don't know what happened to her or if she's coming back or anything," Kali said with a scared and teary eyed expression. I nodded at her and hugged her gently.

"Something else is happening too," Lizzy spoke up. I turned to her, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion as to what could have been happening.

"What is it, Liz?" I asked. She walked over, pulling her phone out of her back pocket. She turned the home screen on to show me, and my eyes furrowed even more. The time was flicking through numbers.

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