Nineteen- Space Travel

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Taking off was not that horrible.

Okay yes it was that horrible, awful, the worst.

I threw up a dozen times during it. I am sure part of the issue was the fact that I had never even been on a plan or a boat and I was pregnant, but still it was awful.

Xen was right by my side the whole time, keeping my hair back out of my face and rubbing circles as my stomach emptied every time. Even just having his touch against my skin was calming to my churning insides.

After we got steady and out of the atmosphere things settled down as we began our space travel. Normally it would take them two weeks to get to Dyspheria, their home planet, but Zor suggested we take a few days out of their fastest travel speed to let me get used to the space travel in general.

Zor has been wonderful as well. He checks on me all the time, always making sure I'm comfortable and well fed. His bond with this baby growing inside of me is so strong, it's honestly adorable.

Once in a while Xen gets a little nervous about how close Zor and I have become but I always have to assure him my heart is his alone.

The bond between Xen and I gets stronger every day. Every time we touch I feel closer to him honestly. He has not left my side since we left Earth and I can not complain. I love his company.

Thane and Zeek have been quite busy, keeping watch and controlling the ship. I have only seen them a handful of times since we began our journey to their planet, but I do not mind.

It has been about five hours since we left. I had cuddled up into the back bed and was relaxing myself, still powering through a bit of nausea. I am guessing it is baby nausea now, but it is not too bothersome.

Xen left the room and said he was going to prepare something to eat for us. As I waited in the room, I watched the stars out the small window by the bunk. It was like being in a planetarium only I knew it was real. Even knowing it was real I couldn't wrap my head around it.

A moment later I hear an excited higher pitched male voice pop into my ears.

"Mo! How are you doing? Are you excited?" Zeek asked with excitement.I laugh and nod.

"I'm good, Zee and yes I am excited to see how your planet is," I say, a bright smile on both of our faces.

"You are going to love it! We have lots of food and adventures and scenery and I'm going to take you to sooo many places," Zeek says, pure excitement pouring through his words.

"I can't wait to go with you and see it all and try new things," I say smiling before my smile fades off.

"Zeek... can I ask you a serious question?" I ask.

"Of course!" he says, a warm smile still on his lips.

"Do you think my baby will be happier there than on Earth?" I ask. He stops and thinks for a moment.

"Well, I did not get a huge chance to explore Earth to the fullest. I mean, probably it is safer on Dyspheria, I know how our people are on your planet," he says dropping his usual smile, almost looking a bit guilty.

"Mo, no matter what happens, we will always take care of you and your baby. You are both family and we got to stick together!" He says with a toothy smile. I smile back and we chat for a bit longer before he returns to his station up front.

As far as I knew, the planet we were going to was rich and full of love and connections like the one I shared with Xenophon. Not only was I going to a new planet, but a new family would be there too; Xenophon's family.

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