Thirty Six- Return to the Castle

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My mind was all over the place that night. Thane had a mate, Zor had a mate, my best friends... well some of them were here on Dyspheria, and I had an innocent mate. So many things played on my mind as I laid on the soft bed of my room in the lycan territory. 

Zeek returned to the castle while Xenophon stayed in the bedroom where Thane used to stay. So many things have changed in so little time. Its hard for me to believe a year ago I was nothing more than another human on Earth. Now I'm pregnant with a Dyspherian human hybrid and am on an alien planet. 

I knew my stay with the lycans was more than welcome but I needed a stable home for my coming child. I knew the castle would be the best place for us as there was so many people there who cared for both of us. 

I spoke to Zor briefly before we parted after getting back to the lycan territory and he informed me that he and Mia would be coming to the castle with Xen and I. It honestly comforted me to know he and Mia would be coming with us as they were some of my closest friends. 

As I lay with my eyes open staring out the window at the moon and stars, I hear the floor creak near the door and my head whips to see what caused it. Standing in the doorway, a tall, dark silhouette walks towards my bed and reveals Xen. His face looked a bit sad as he makes his way over and sits on my bed. 

"Hey, what are you doing in here? I thought you'd be sleeping by now," I say softly as I sit up in my bed. 

"I knew you weren't asleep either. I just," he pauses before taking a deep breath and sighing. "I need to know something," he says still holding sadness and maybe a bit of worry on his face. 

"What is it?" I ask giving him a soft confused face. 

"Do you love me?" he asks looking up at me with blue eyes. I take a minute to think, but honestly my heart knew the answer as soon as he spoke. Yes I was hurt but I now knew it wasn't him hurting me. All my trust in him had been restored, as well as every bit of emotion I felt for him. 

"I do," I say softly looking up to meet his eyes as they slowly fade from blue to a bright burning red and pink. His face turned to a smile and my goodness was it adorable. 

"You do? Even after everything you still love me?" he says with excitement and I nod offering him a smile. 

"Morgan, I promise you I will never hurt you ever again and I will do everything in my power to protect you and our baby girl. I love you so much. Please, will you be my mate again?" he asks with a small tear running down his cheek. 

Instead of responding, I take his face in my hands and place my lips on his with as much passion as I could. Sparing the details, that night became the second best night of my life. 

The next morning I rolled over and bumped my head on a hard arm. My eyes flickered open and I looked up to see beautiful adoring red eyes shimmering down on me. 

"Good morning, my beautiful mate," Xen says before placing a soft kiss on my head. I smile but groan and place my head on his chest. 

"I'm not ready to get up yet, Xenny" I grumble. The chest I lay on gives a low rumble as Xen chuckles. 

"Xenny? That's a new one for you, Love," he says and I blush a bit at him calling me his love. I sure hope the butterflies and blushing never goes away as long as we are together. 

"Soon enough you'll be Daddy," I say with a smile. 

"Soon enough you'll have to deal with Zeek and a child," he says and I laugh. 

"Speaking of baby, we need to start thinking of names," I say. 

"We can do that after we return home," he says and he places a kiss on my head before he pushes the blankets back and stands up. His well sculpted body seems even more sculpted now as he stands with his boxers hanging off his hips. His abs and chest look like they belong to a model honestly. As I eye him up and down, when my eyes reach his face, I notice him raising an eyebrow at me. 

"Listen Love, we can make love as much as you want when we get home, you do not need to eye fuck me here," he says and my cheeks grow a deep shade of red. Well shit. I fling the covers back and rush off the bed and to the bathroom while I hear a low chuckle come from behind me. 

After doing my bathroom business I stand in front of the mirror and stare at my returned mark that Xen burned into me again last night. It is a beautiful black dragon wrapped around a rose. It reminds me of my home and truly shows what Xen and I represent. He is a dragon prince and I am from Earth, the only planet roses are found on. 

I come out of the bathroom to find Xen already dressed and sitting on the bed. When I enter the room his head perks up and he offers me a smile which I return before grabbing an outfit from my closet and going back to the bathroom to change. Although Xen has seen me naked multiple times, the time we have spent apart has slightly made me a bit shy again. 

Once I am finished I find Xen in the living room with an empty bag in his hands. I give him a questioning look. 

"What is that for?" I ask

"Your clothes. We leave today, Love," he says and I nod taking the bag from him. I make my way to my room and gather the clothes I had gotten during my time in the lycan territory. When I finish I come out and Xen wraps his arms around me tightly. 

"I love you, Morgan," he says softly. 

"I love you too, my alien dragon prince," I say with a smile.

"Hey, you're on my planet. You're the alien here!" he says and we both laugh. 

"I'd like to say my goodbyes to the lycans before we go. Also we have to let Zor and Mia know that we are ready to leave," I say and Xen nods before we leave the place that was my temporary home and sanctuary. 

I say goodbye to the pack and Alpha Lycus tells me I am welcome to come back any time as well as Xenophon and the rest of the family. He wishes me well and offers a warm hug before we make our way to Zor and Mia's place. Mia and Zor both have bags packed and Mia and I hold them as the two brothers turn into their beautiful beasts. Xen picks me up gently as Zor does Mia and we take off to the castle. 

The trip is short as a portal to the kingdom was left open by Zeek, only taking us around a half an hour. As we fly up to the kingdom, my heart flutters. 

"You nervous to be home?"  Xen asks me through my mind as we fly up to the castle. 

"A little bit. I'm afraid what everyone will say," I say truthfully.

"Don't be worried, Love. They understand why you left," 

A few moments later we land on the usual giant landing pad and Xen and Zor change back to their human forms. We are immediately greeted by Adina, Zandos and Axa with hugs. After a few minutes of welcomes Adina pauses. 

"Where is Thaneous? And Zor, please introduce us to the beautiful lycan woman you have with you," says with a smile at Mia and Zor. 

"Thane found his mate, and this is Mia," Zor answers. 

"Thane found his mate? That's great news! But why didn't they come back with everyone?" Zandos asks. 

"She is the phoenix princess, Azar Urena," Xen speaks up. 

"The hybrid? Oh goodness they're going to blow up the whole planet together. I heard she is a fiery one," Adina says and we all chuckle and agree. 

It was a warm welcome, and an equally as warm feeling fills my heart. I know I am home and my baby agrees as she moves around to the sounds of her family's voices. I look to Xen and smile. 

"I'm glad to be home," I say in my mind, knowing Xen will hear. 

"Well you didn't really have too much of a choice. You are the future queen,"  he says through my mind and I roll my eyes. 

"One step at a time please. Does the whole kingdom know about... you know?" I ask. 

"No. That was private matters," 

"Good,"  I sigh in relief. 

I know we still have a long road ahead of us, but as of now this is home and I am happy. I just hope our peace and happiness lasts longer than I suspect it will. I know there are people who do not agree with their future queen being a human nor their princess a hybrid. If they only knew ahead of time what a magnificent being my baby girl would grow up to be. 

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