Forty Seven- Sister

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It was Harper. Her blue green eyes, the combination of our parents eye colors. Her brown hair that matched my own and our father's. For a few moments she didn't notice me, but then her eyes contacted with mine.

Her face fell and her hand made its way to her mouth. Tears swelled in my eyes and blurred my vision as well as hers. 

She was alive. She's alive and she looked okay and healthy too. I couldn't help the movement of my legs and it seemed as though she couldn't either. We ran to each other, full force ran. We smashed into each other, our arms swallowing each other. 

"Morgan," she whispered through her sobs. 

"It's me, Harper. It's me," I whispered back. 

I'm not sure how long we stood there, probably a good five to ten minutes. I could feel Xenophon standing behind us, as well as I'm sure his siblings and Mia. 

"Alright my turn," I heard a voice say from behind me. Zeek pulled me off of my sister and then hugged her himself. 

To say I was shocked was an understatement, but what shocked me even more was the fact that she hugged him back. Confused, I looked at Xenophon who had then stepped up and set his hands on my waist. 

As soon as Zeek pulled away from my sister, I noticed his eyes and instantly I understood. They'd connected. 

"I'm not surprised," Zor spoke up. "He did think you and him would connect. He must've sensed that you were blood to his mate," Zor spoke. I nodded. What he said made sense. 

"Morgan," she said. "Who's the dragon alien hugging you and who is the dragon alien who just smothered me?" I couldn't help but laugh. 

"This is Xenophon, my mate," I said with a chuckle. "And that annoying creature happens to be his brother, Zeek," I said pointing to Zeek. 

Zeek bowed with an arm under himelf. "My love, at your service," he said. Harper raised her eyebrow, and looked at me with a humorously scared expression. 

"Uh, yeah. So I'm supposed to be his mate?" she asked. 

"I guess so," I said with a shrug. She gave me one last glance and took off running in the other direction. 

"Don't leave me! I love you!" Zeek yelled as he chased after her and in that moment I knew they'd be a perfect couple. 

Xenophon turned me around and raised an eyebrow. "So that was...?" he asked. 

"That was my younger sister, Harper," I said, a tear escaping. I was so happy to have some of my family back and safe. I knew I'd have a lot to explain to her, and I didn't have to wait long for the chance. 

A few minutes later Zeek came walking back to us, my sister in his arms bridal style. 

"I caught her! She's mine now!" he said with a huge smile. She laughed in his arms and kissed his cheek. It was so cute I couldn't help the aww that came out of my mouth. 

After dinner, Morgan took us up to her wing. We all piled into her small room and Zeek placed Harper into his lap. She cuddled her back to him which was simply so cute. 

"Okay, so I want to know what you've been doing for over half a year," Harper said. 

"Well the invasion started while we were on the yearly hike. We hid in some caves for a while but then Xenophon found me and told me to leave the area. I listened and separated from my friends which is when I met Zeek and Zor who were honestly talking about having me for a snack and I was ready to stab some dragon alien asses. Thankfully Xen came in time and then we stayed together for a while," I explained. 

"Then I saw their dragons and freaked out and ran away, which is when their cousin Thane found me. Then they found us and we grouped together. And then... Um..." I paused, trying to avoid the awkward part where I explain Xenophon had to get me pregnant to get on his ship. 

"Well? What happened then?" Harper asked. 

"They made a baby," Zeek said blatantly. Harper's mouth dropped. 

"What do you mean they made a baby?! Morgan! Explain!" she yelled sounding similar to what I would expect a mother would sound in this situation. 

"We had to get me onto their ship, and the only way was to have alien DNA inside of me. So we... made a baby," I said, trying to be as quick with my words as possible. 

"So where is this baby you made?" she asked suspiciously. 

"She is on our planet with my parents," Xenophon answered. 

"It's a she? Oh my god I'm an aunt," she said, pretending to faint against Zeek. I rolled my eyes. 

"Are you ready for me to continue my story?" I asked with a chuckle. 

"Fine fine, continue," she said, swirling her hand to motion for me to continue my story. I told her everything that happened, from leaving Earth to having Luminara and coming back to fight with the resistance. 

"So tell me, what has happened here? Do you know where anyone else is?" I asked. Her face fell, and I could tell she'd been through some rough times here on Earth. 

"I was in town when they arrived. Our house was invaded by the aliens. Mom and Dad got me out, but I know they didn't make it. I heard shots from behind me as I ran into the forests, and then the explosion. They blew it up to make sure nobody was left alive," she said tears brimming. Zeek gently rubbed her arms and placed a kiss on her cheek which I could tell comforted her as Xen's touch does me. 

"After I made it into the forest I kept running until I found a group of people hiding in an abandoned run down cabin. We stuck together and we kept moving west until we found a bunker where we stayed for a month until the resistance troops found us and took us to their base. I've been with them training ever since. We had a few of the aliens find us, but they decided they wanted to help our cause and they've helped us ever since," she said. 

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," I said, leaning forward and hugging my sister. 

"I'm okay, I'm glad to have you here though," she said into my ear. 

My sister was alive and okay! And our next step would be to fight side by side to fight Syfus and his power hungry army. If we only knew what Syfus had up his sleeve before we entered the battle field two days after. 

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