Ten- Monsters

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If I had anything in my mouth at that moment I am certain I would have been choking by now. The first thing that came to mind was the shock that Xenophon had even come up with such an idea. The second was there was no way was I going to get pregnant by an alien I had met just days before! I stare at Xen dumbfounded, my mouth hanging open as wide as it could be.

"I never thought of that but yes, brother, that would work," Zor said in his normal monotone deep voice. I looked wide eyed at his agreement.

Just as I was observing the two brothers who did not seem uncomfortable with the current conversation, I looked at Zeek who had a shocked and embarrassed look, but it was soon met with humor.

"Well," he started. "Who's gonna be the lucky guy, Mo?" Zeek asks with a smirk. His snarky comment was followed by a loud growl directed at him, coming from deep inside Xenophon's chest. Zor looked intimidated by this, but Zeek smirked.

"Now, now, Xeenie, we don't wanna scare the beauty. She has a say you know!" he said smirking at Xen, who was growing angrier by the minute.

"I know she has a choice, but you and Zor by law of our world have no right to touch her. She has been claimed by me," Xen growls. I put my hands up and scoot back slightly. I tried to blink away the astonishment that was pulsing through my mind but it just would not go away.

"Woah, hold the fuck up. Claimed? Are you saying I have no say in this? Or how about I say no to this entire fucking thing?!" I say.

Xen's anger turns to what looks like a bit of hurt. Was he hurt that it sounded like I did not even want to be with him, especially in an intimate way? I could not help but feel angry. He acted like he had any right to even have an opinion in my personal life like that! Perhaps that was a normal thing on their planet, but it certainly was not here on Earth.

Xenophon looked back at his brother, looking away from my irritated expression. The tension in the air was so thick I could practically feel it on my skin. Zeek was still smirking, when he stood up suddenly. In a flash, I was being picked up and ran away with.

"Zeek!" I squealed. I felt the warmth radiating off of him, which honestly, it felt nice to be in his arms. They were not as big as Xenophon's, but they were still strong and muscular. He was running so fast, I could only see the moon flash through the trees.

"Where are you taking me?!" I yelled at him, but not in an angry way. I felt his chest begin to thump as he laughed. I could not help but smile and laugh at his antics. I knew he was doing this to get in Xen's hair, but part of me felt perhaps there was another reason as well.

Finally, after a few moments of super speed running, we come to the top of a large rock formation. He must have spotted it earlier because he seemed to know exactly where to go. Gently, he set me down while keeping his hands on my arms to be sure I was steady before letting go. He turned and looked up at the night sky that was speckled with glittering stars.

"I miss my home. It's really beautiful, like you. That's why I wanted to take you there. Well, that and because I wanted to save you from the tension and stress of my brother wanting to mate you," he spoke with a chuckle. My cheeks began to blush at his comment about my beauty, but a chuckle escaped me as well. "Your home is beautiful too, but not as beautiful as our planet," he said looking down at me with a playful smile.

"What is your planet called? I remember one of you saying the name," I asked, looking into his glowing purple eyes. He smiled at me, most likely because of my curiosity about his home.

"It's called Dyspheria," he says. He looks back up to the stars over our heads, his smile fading for a moment but it soon returns. "You know, I learned as much as I could about Earth and its surrounding stars and planets before we came. I wanted to see it and experience everything it had to offer. This is more or less a vacation for my brothers and I," he says.

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