Fifty- Aftermath

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We escorted the werewolf alphas and vampire kings away from the battle zone. They seemed nervous as to what we were doing, and to be honest I didn't know what Xen intended to do to them. 

Once we were out of sight of everyone, we stopped. The men looked nervous, but confused at the same time. 

Xen turned around and looked back at them all. It looked as if he was examining their very souls. 

"I would like to know what the hell you were all doing fighting against us," Xen said in a deep intimidating voice. If I wasn't his mate I'd probably be scared shitless. 

They all stayed silent, looking among themselves. Xenophon gave a low growl and they all seemed to squirm at his intimidation. Finally one alpha spoke up. 

"We were told we would be the rulers of Earth if we helped the dragon shifter fight against you," the alpha admitted. 

The alpha was tall and muscular with tanned skin and dark brown hair and eyes to match. He was probably in his thirties, looking to be a strong leader if I had to point one out of a crowd. 

"And you thought this would be a good idea?" Axa spoke up, raising her eyebrows. 

"W-we have been oppressed by those pathetic humans for centuries! We felt it was our time to rise! Now that the human population is decreasing we have a chance at rising or at best being equal," the alpha stated.

"How were you oppressed? Normal humans such as myself didn't even know you existed!" I said, trying to make sense of everything. 

"Exactly our point," a vampire king spoke up. "You didn't know we existed because we were hidden away, shunned like monsters," he said. 

The vampire king was as tall as the werewolf alpha but he looked younger, around Xenophon's age at most. He wasn't as pale as you'd expect a vampire to be, but he was paler than I. His eyes were a dark black color instead of red. I assumed it was due to the vampire being in control of himself. 

"But to attack the humans? All the humans?" I asked, raising my eye brows. "Don't you think that's a bit monstrous?" I asked, making the point that what they had done was the work of monsters as he implied they weren't. 

"We are not monsters! We are just like the humans with different abilities than the humans!" the vampire got aggressive. Xenophon didn't like this and he growled a warning growl. 

"The girl has a point. What we did was monstrous," the alpha stepped in. "We werewolves used to pride ourselves on the peacefulness of our race and now look at us," he said, motioning around to his fellow alphas. 

"We are the beasts we say we aren't. We should all be ashamed of ourselves!" he bellowed, clearly upset by the reality of the situation. 

"Alpha Rufus is right, we should be ashamed of ourselves," another alpha spoke from the group. 

"I hate to say it but I'm agreeing with the dog," a vampire said. The alphas growled at the vampire for the nickname, but Malix growled and came to the front, shutting the fighting up. 

"Now, we need to do something about this damn mess you've all caused," Malix spoke with authority, taking a stand next to Xenophon. 

"Does anyone have any ideas on how we should go about this?" he asked, looking into the group. 

Mia stepped forward and began to offer her opinion after a few moments of silence. 

"I say we let them go. They should return to their packs and kingdoms and go back to how they used to be. We can come back every six months or year to monitor them," she offered. 

Malix looked at the vamps and wolves to see what their reaction to Mia's suggestion was. Surprisingly, there were no objections. 

"Do we all agree to this?" Malix asks. 

"I support it," the alpha spoke. 

"I do as well," the vampire said, sounding a bit put off. 

"Very well. Before you may return, everyone must help with the bodies, no matter the species. We have lost too many over this petty fight," Malix spoke, his voice lowering at the end. 

There was a round of approval before we escorted them back to the field. The remaining vamps and wolves along with Dyspherians that fought for syfus were sitting on one side of the field while on the other was the resistance army. 

It was strange to see those who were just in battle now sitting a football field away peacefully. Each side had people tending to wounds and others, while some were dragging bodies to one side or another. Some were weeping at the loss of their mates, and no matter the side I could feel for them. 

Once we had returned to our respective sides, I found Azar, Thane, Bex and Blayze and walked up to them. I gave Bex, Thane and Azar hugs before I even spoke, relieved to see they were all still alive. Xenophon stood behind me after giving Thane a bro hug and a pat on the back which honestly was a bit humorous to see. 

"Hey guys, how was the battle?" I asked, looking them over to see if either of them were wounded at all.

"Besides a few scratches, not bad," Bex said. 

"Can't say that for all those bodies though," Thane answered. I gave him a somber nod. 

"Where's the rest of the gang?" I asked, looking around for my human friends. Azar pointed in a direction and I fallowed her guide. Once my eyes settled on John, Bastion and Lizzy. 

"Thanks Az," I said before I walked to my friends. I did the same thing as I did before, giving out hugs like they were candy. I could see they were all pretty bruised up, but nothing unmanageable. 

"Hey," I said softly. "You all okay?" I asked. 

"Yeah we are all still kicking," Lizzy said with a smirk. 

"What are you guys going to do now?" I asked. 

I knew Earth was their home, as it was once mine too. They had no attachments to Dyspheria, meaning there was no reason for them to come back with us. 

"You mean are we staying here?" Bastion asked and I gave him a nod. Xenophon must've sensed my sadness as he placed a hand around my waist and pulled me a bit closer to him. 

"Yeah, we're staying. We might still have family out there somewhere," Bastion said. 

"Not to mention we have to repopulate now," John said with a smirk at Lizzy. 

"You're disgusting!" she squealed and gave him a playful shove causing a round of laughter. I would certainly miss them, and their antics. 

"Don't worry, we'll come and visit someday," Xenophon said, looking down at me. I gave him a warm smile. 

"Yes! You have to! Soon! Don't leave me with these two kissing slime balls!" Bastion said, once again causing laughter to erupt. 

"I'm going to miss you all," I said as I stepped forward and caused a group hug. 

We pulled away with sad smiles though we knew we'd see each other again someday. Xen and I began to walk away and I waved back to them for the last time for a while. 

"Time to go see our baby girl," Xen said as he kept his hand on the small of my back. 

"Yeah, I can't wait to see her," I said with a huge smile. 

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