Twenty Seven- The Ball

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After the stressful meeting, we all walked down to where the ball was being held. I found myself nervous once again, especially after the negative meeting. I kept my composure though as we entered the ballroom. 

There was so many people. Honestly, it looked like a mixture of black and white because of their hair. I wondered to myself why they all either had white or black hair. 

We walked down a grand staircase and everyone's attention fell on us. Xen snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. Everyone nodded politely, as if to bow for their king and royal family. 

"Hello everyone, and thank you for joining us tonight for this momentous occasion. My son, Prince Xenophon, has found his connection and his lovely mate," Zandos spoke and a roar of cheers and claps filled the room. 

Zandos held a hand up after a moment and everyone settled down and silence filled the room. 

"We have two more things we'd like to address. One, Xenophon's mate is with child, the next heir to the crown," he said, again leading to cheers and applause. Zandos once again silenced the crowd with a hand. 

"The last thing is-" he paused, causing curious looks from the crowd. "She is not from our planet. She is from Earth. She is human," 

This time there was no applause. There were no cheers. Only light chatter and silence. 

A few agonizing seconds later, a voice pierced the silence through the crowd. It was a young boy who spoke, and his words shocked everyone. 

"If my prince and rulers accept her, no matter what her race, I will accept her too!" he said. A smile grew on my face, as a moment later another person says, "I accept her too as well as our future ruler!" and others soon joined in. 

They accepted me. Xen looked down smiling at me and kissed my lips. We descended down the stairs, and I was quickly swarmed by many people. 

The night went on, mostly being asked by people what my planet was like, if they could touch my stomach, and telling me how beautiful I was and assuring me their loyalty. 

After meeting most of the people at the ball, we danced and enjoyed the music.

The music was foreign, but it had similar aspects to music from home. Similar melodies and sounds, but different instruments playing them. 

Xenophon and I danced for a while before Thane walked over to me and asked if he could intrude. Xen nodded and I did as well, taking Thane's arm and positioning ourselves to dance together. 

I watched as Xen walked away before turning my attention to Thane. 

"How has your first days on Dyspheria been?" he asked kindly with a smile. 

"It's certainly different in ways from Earth, but similar in others," I said and he nodded in agreement. 

"I meant what I said back on Earth. I will protect you and your child always. Yes, we connected on Earth, but I still have feelings for you in a way that makes me feel extremely protective over you and also your child. I can tell Zor feels the same way that I do, though we can't connect with you anymore," he said with a small smile. 

"Thank you Thane. You're going to make a great uncle to my little one when he or she is born," I said with a big smile. His smile grew as well, showing his perfect teeth.

We spoke for a moment more before my eyes began to search the large room for Xen. It didn't take me long to find him, but the view I was seeing made my blood begin to turn to lava. 

A woman stood in front of him, clearly flirting. She was tall, straight built like the women of Dyspheria tend to be. She stuck out her chest as best she could and batted her eye lashes at him. 

The part that made me even angrier was the fact that he didn't seem to be bothered or wanting to push this slutty alien away from him. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and my head turned quickly to see who had their hand on me. My eyes were met by Zor and Thane both looking confused. 

"You okay, Morgan?" Zor asked. 

"Yes, I'm fine. I could use some fresh air though," I said. 

"Would you like me to take you?" Zor asked, looking at me with concern. Realizing I probably would be lost if I tried to go on my own, I nodded and we left the ballroom. 

The thought of that slut flirting with him burned in my head. I felt my body grow hotter as I continued to walk to an exit. 

We finally made it to one of the landing pad balconies and I walked over to the stone wall that surrounded it. I leaned against it and looked up. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" Zor asked. I simply nodded, avoiding eye contact. 

"Zor..." I said quietly. He hummed in response. 

"Can we see Earth from here? Or our sun?" I asked, again quite quietly and calmly. 

"I'm actually not sure. Honestly I didn't even know Earth existed until they told us we were going to investigate it," he said with a slight shrug. 

Silence fell on us as we continued to look up at the stars above us. The sky was different than on Earth. The stars were all scrambled and their moon seemed different. 

I began to think of my home as I did many times before. The sky. The plants and grass. My family...

Tears began to blur my eyes and one finally fell. I missed my home. I was indeed homesick. I left my home, my planet, to stay safe. 

But what if I had stayed? What if my friends and family were still alive? What if I was going to see them again had I not left? 

I felt a warm hand on my back. "Hey..." Zor's deep voice attempted to calm me. He rubbed circles which comforted me, but it didn't help my thoughts any. 

"You miss home, don't you?" he asked. I nodded with tears running down my face. 

He pulled me into a hug as he continued to rub my back. I pushed my face into his chest and cried for a bit, completely comfortable with letting him see me like this. 

Though Zor had been cold before, he really had warmed up to me and made me comfortable like the others. 

A few minutes had passed with us hugging and me crying, but he pulled away from me. He wiped my tears, cleaning the makeup from under my eyes. "We should get back to the ball. It is in your honor remember?" he said with a light smile. 

I nodded before he lead me back inside. As we got closer to the ballroom, a strange anxiety filled my chest. As we turned a corner which lead to the ballroom, my entire body froze, blood, heart and all. Frozen. 

That slut... 

...Had her mouth locked with Xenophon...

...and he sure wasn't fighting it...  

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