Fourteen- Stay Away

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I lost track of time being in the dark cave not being able to see the daylight. I did not know if I had been down here for hours or if it had been a day already. Earlier I thought I heard voices and maybe some rocks falling but that did not last long and the eerie silence took over once more.

Maybe the cave and rocks were hiding my scent from those monsters, I thought to myself. That is what I have decided they were; monsters. Awful thoughts had been overwhelming my brain for however long it had been now.

Xenophon was probably trying to impregnate me then he would kill me. Maybe it was an experiment? Maybe it took a human host to carry their spawn and that is why they were really here. The thoughts that ran through my head were truly terrifying and disturbing and it took all I had in me to rid my mind of them for any period of time.

After being in here for a while I realized there was no food for me. I had forgotten my backpack when I ran. I did not even bring a blanket, making it even colder in the already cold damp cave. I shivered even thinking about my warm blanket and how I yearned for it.

My mind slipped for a moment as I thought of Xenophon and Zeek's warmth, how they were so warm when they held me. The thought of it make my stomach become warm on the inside and fill with butterflies, but I quickly snapped out of it.

All I could do was cuddle to a cold rock to keep any cave breeze from getting to me, and wrapping my arms around my legs. I had to use my own body heat to my advantage.

I stopped to wonder how long I should stay down here? How long until they would leave me alone. They did say they were leaving in a day or something like that. I did not know if I could last too long in here, I would get hungry and too cold eventually.

After the extensive thinking session I had, I decided it would be best if I slept for a while. That way I would conserve my energy for when I had to run next.

I hunkered down keeping myself as warm as possible, before falling into a chilled sleep.


After she saw my claws, the face she made broke my heart into a million splintered pieces. She looked terrified. I was terrified. What had I done? I did not even hear my brother say anything, all I could see was her horrified face.

Before I knew it she had taken off. I was still frozen in place. How could I have done that to her? My brothers gathered around me, equally as confused and shocked.

I had to catch her. I quickly get up, changing into my dragon like Dyspherian form before letting out the loudest and deepest roar I could. I was letting her know I was on my way.

My brothers quickly joined me in their Dyspherian forms, and took off shortly after I did. I heard my brothers calling after me, but I could not let her get away. I had one thing on my mind and that was my mate, my love.

I knew she would be terrified of me but I needed her. I needed her to even think right now. I did slow when I thought about what was really happening right now. She was scared, no, terrified and running from me.

I knew I should not have been, but for some reason anger took over me. I let out a second roar just as loud as the first. I was angry that my mate was scared of me. I was angry she had dared to run from me. Did she not realize who she was? Who she belonged to?

I promised to keep her safe, which I always would, but she ran from me. She left me and that sparked a horrid furry inside of me. I knew my eyes would be pitch black right now, and I was sure my brothers would soon be able to tell.

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