Thirty Nine- Visiting

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The next day comes and our little rebel group splits up. Xen, Axa and take flight in the direction of the phoenix kingdom while Zor, Mia and Zeek make their way to the lycans' territory. Hopefully Zandos and Adina have good luck with other dragon shifter kingdoms today as well.

As we fly through the sky, the wind blowing through my hair, my nerves begin to get the best of me. Thankfully I have an attentive mate who's voice suddenly perks up in my mind.

"Baby?" he asks through a mind link.


"You okay? I can practically smell your nervousness right now,"

"I'm fine, I just hope it all goes well today. I mean Earth's future is pretty much riding on our backs now,"

"I understand. It's going to be okay. We will save your home, with or without the help of the phoenix,"

"I have to tell my friends too. Lizzy, John, Bastian, and Bex. I want them to have the choice in helping us. It's their home too,"

The mind link went silent and we flew peacefully as we came upon the land of the phoenix. The tall stone walls surrounded us as we soared through them to the open world of the fiery creatures.

We took our landing near Azar's home. Xenophon and Axa shifted back into their human forms and we approached the door.

Just as I was about to knock, a clamber of noises sounded from inside and suddenly Thane's face was in the doorway.

"Save me," he said in a whisper and Azar appeared behind him.

"Hey guys! What brings you back to the land of fire," she said with a wink and a bright smile as she pushed Thane behind her. She wraps me in a warm hug which I'm quick to return.

"We have some important things we have to discuss with you. All of you," I said using the best serious voice I could. Azar pulled back and both her and Thane's faces turned concern.

"Come in," Azar said, stepping aside to allow us into her home. As soon as we stepped in, Lizzy came running out of a back room.

"Hey!" she said with a toothy smile as she ran to me and wrapped her arms around me. I gave her a firm hug back before stepping away.

"We need to talk to everyone. Are they all here?" Xen said from behind me. Lizzy nodded and scampered back to retrieve everyone. A moment later everyone had come into the living room, looking curious and a bit concerned for our urgency. After a round of hugs we all sat in various seats or on the floor of the living room.

"What's going on, Morgan?" Bex asked as she sat on Blayze's lap. I swallowed hard and looked at Xen who gave me a comforting nod.

"As we probably all know, Earth is under attack but there have been some interesting developments about the status of what is going on there. There is a resistance forming. Humans and even some of the dragons have stood up to the invaders," I said, trying to sound strong and confident.

"The leader of the invasion is King Syfus. He is a power hungry dragon king who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. Right now, what he wants is Earth," Xenophon informed looking back at me.

"So what does this have to do with us?" Bastian asked.

"Or us for that matter," Blayze spoke.

"We want to join the resistance and help Earth and it's people," I said.

Silence filled the room. I could tell there were some internal conversations happening between the mates as my eyes looked at everyone. Finally, the ice broke.

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