Forty Five- Return to Earth

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After the long travel to Earth, we finally arrived to the blue and green planet. I must say, if you ever thought Earth was beautiful from the inside, you should see it from space. 

"Earth is beautiful from up here!" Axa spoke in awe. I gave her a smile and a nod before she turned to admire the planet once more. 

All the excitement was built up inside of me seeing my home again. I was going to save my planet with my new family. I squeezed Xen's hand and gave him a smile. He already knew I was excited to see Earth again and how passionate I was about this. 

The captain informed us we'd land in thirty minutes and to strap down. Our landing point would be where the main base of the resistance was in New York. I was excited to be going home. 

Although I was excited, I also had my family in mind. Not just Luminara and my in-laws, but my biological family from Earth. I wondered if they had made it out alive. Was Harper, my younger sister, alive? Did my parents make it through the invasion to safety?

As many questions as I had, I knew they'd have to wait until after the resistance. We had to defeat Syfus and his cruel men. We had to save Earth. 

The thirty minutes passed quickly and before I knew it, the ships were landing in the fields of upstate New York near the base. 

"Attention crew," the captain of the ship spoke as he walked out from the front of the ship. 

"We will be walking around an hour to the headquarters of the resistance. Exit the ship and grab your bags and begin the walk. All others have the same orders. Stay sharp, be prepared for anything. Stay safe," he said. 

We all nodded or spoke our acknowledgements of his order and we began to exit the ship. Xenophon and I walked off the large ramp of the ship with our hands wrapped together. I felt my heart flutter as I took my first step off the ramp and back on Earth's land. 

My home. 

We made our way to the compartment area and gathered our bags. Once we had everything we began the hour long walk through the forests. 

The forest reminded me of meeting Xenophon. From hiding in the caves, to the first time I saw Xenophon, to meeting Thane and the love Xen and I made under the stars. It was all on Earth in the forests similar to these. 

I could tell all the Dyspherians were equally intrigued by the forests and the life within them. Many were looking around, some stopping to see things. 

Mia absolutely loved Earth's nature as she and the lycans were very in tune with all things living. Zor watched his mate as she crouched down almost every twenty feet to see a different plant, flower or bug. 

I could see Thane and the bright hair of Azar ahead as well as my human friends. They were looking around with bright smiles on their faces as well, admiring their home. I began to wonder to myself if they'd choose to stay here or return to Dyspheria. 

The walk wasn't as long as I had expected and we came to a clearing in the forest. The entire group came to a stop. I pushed my way through the crowd and when I was clear of everyone I saw a man standing in front of Malix and they were speaking together. 

"Welcome Dyspherians to our home, Earth," the human man spoke. "Please, fallow me to the bunker," he said as he hand motioned for us to fallow. 

We all began to fallow him for around another five minutes until we came upon a large stone structure. It honestly looked to be naturally made until the man pushed aside some moss and vines. This revealed a metal door which he then opened and held the door open for Malix. We all fallowed him inside down a dimly lit stairway.

Once we got to the bottom, my jaw dropped. It was a huge bunker. Well enough to have all our men in there and then all of theirs, though they didn't have nearly as many as we did. It was like one giant warehouse, big and open. There were stair cases on either side leading to several levels of the base to what I'm assuming are bedrooms and storerooms.  

"Welcome to our base. It is suited to accommodate ten thousand men at maximum. Obviously we do not have this many here, but throughout the country we have around six thousand in total. They will arrive the day we fight, which will be in a weeks time if everything goes accordingly," the man spoke. 

"Do you know how many humans are left on Earth?" I asked. 

"We do not. The only humans we have contact with and know are still alive are those who have joined us, though we do know there are others who have rejected us," he said. I gave him a simple nod and began to again wonder about my parents. 

"The commander Lex here has assigned everyone a bedroom and two people will be in each room. Come see one of us for you room numbers and room partner. Mates obviously will be assigned to the same room," Malix said. 

Once he finished speaking, we all began to walk to him and the human, commander Lex, to get the room assignments. Xenophon and I were assigned to a room on the highest floor much to my dismay. We thanked Malix for giving us our room number and we began to walk the stairs to the room. 

The room was extremely basic. A white bed in the middle of the room and no decorations. It had a similarly plain bathroom with only a shower and a toilet and sink in a similar fashion to the one on the Dyspherian transport ship. 

"Well, this room is... cozy," Xenophon said with a chuckle. We set our bags down at the foot of the bed and took a step into each other's embrace. 

"I missed this planet," I said with my head against Xen's chest. 

"We'll come back when Luminara is older and the war is won," he said as he pet my hair. 

"Do you think she'll like it?" I asked, looking up at him. "I mean compared to Dyspheria Earth is boring," I said with a giggle. 

"I'm sure she will love it for its own beauty," he said planting a kiss on my forehead. 


"Yes, Love?"

"After the war, could we possibly go back to my home? My family might still be alive there," 

"Of course. We can ask them to leave a pod ship behind for us to take after they leave if we have to," Xen said with a comforting smile. 

"Thank you," I said, my lips placing themselves on his. 

In a week we'd be fighting the war for Earth. The war for the human race. For the next week we'd be training and combining our strengths to make one of the biggest, strongest, and greatest armies the word had ever seen. In just seven days, worlds would collide in a force of strength and passion for a cause like none other. We would win this war. We would save Earth. No matter what. 

Once Upon an AlienOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora