Forty Eight- Prepare For Battle

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It was just a few hours before the battle, and I couldn't sleep for a single second. I was so anxious about the fight and what we had in store for us. Though through the days before we were assured Syfus was no match for us, a strange anxiety arose inside me. Warning me. 

I felt the large warm body of Xenophon stir next to me before he finally sat up next to me. 

"Hey, Love, why are you awake? We still have an hour before we gear up," Xenophon asked, concerned with me well being as always. 

"I just have this feeling, Xen. A bad feeling," I responded, looking at my handsome mate. 

"Don't be worried, Love. We got this. We have the best warriors from Dyspheria. There's no way Syfus will ever stand a chance," he said, leaning back against the wall with his hands behind his head. I nodded and laid against his warm body, but I couldn't shake the strange feeling I had. 

An hour later the alarm rang across the base, telling us it was time to suit up and prepare for the battle for Earth. 

Everyone was given a uniform based on their best fighting qualities to increase their mobility in need for their talent. 

Obviously the dragon shifters, lycans and phoenix were given specific uniforms to help their shifter abilities. Us humans were a different story. We had hand to hand warriors, archery warriors, those who specialized in artillery, and we even had some who were cavalry who would be flying with the dragons and phoenix. 

I multi-specialized. I did the best in hand to hand and because I was mated to Xenophon I would be flying with him as well until hand to hand was needed. He too specialized in hand to hand, therefore our pairing was an easy match. 

My outfit was well designed. The material was that of leggings but it was covered in Dyspherian metal plating which could withstand almost anything. The material was black and the metal was a dark gray, almost black. I had a black leather strap on my leg with a knife holster in it as well as knives attached to my boots which were also black in color. I looked like a true warrior if I do say so myself. 

Xenophon's outfit was similar, allowing him to have the most mobility while fighting as mine did also. His was a bit more masculine, but still fit him like a glove. The main difference between his and my armor was his had metal shoulder plates that stuck out, as mine just fit to my shoulder. It gave him the illusion of a larger build. his stomach plating was also thicker and wider than mine. It did enhance the visual of his abs and muscles which was a bit distracting, but made me smile to myself at how handsome and fit my mate was. 

Once we had finished changing, we stood in our room waiting for the second alarm to signal for us to make our way down to the main bunker area where we'd be put into our groups. 

Xen and I stood quietly for a while, fidgeting with our gear. I pulled my hair into a pony tail to keep it out of my face for the battle. Xen took a step in my direction, placing him right in front of me. 

"I love you, Morgan. No matter what happens, we will be by each other's side. Nothing will happen to either of us, okay?" he said softly, trying to comfort me with the best of his ability. 

"I love you too," I said quietly. He pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head. 

The second alarm rang, and we moved away from each other. We gave each other a nod and we made our way out of our room. 

Once we were down to the main bunker we met up with Malix and a few other commanders there. There were several lines and they were giving us group numbers and ordering us to move outside with our group. Xen and I of course were in a group together and we hiked the stairs out of the bunker. 

Outside there were several large groups, all wearing similar colored armor uniforms but different to their speciality. There were phoenix, humans, dragon shifters, lycans, and groups of both. It was a proud moment to see them all working together and ready to fight side by side. 

We walked out to our group and we were happy to see a couple familiar faces with us. Thane, Harper and Zeek were all standing with us in our hand to hand combat group. 

"Where's Azar, Thane?" I asked as I approached him. He shrugged. 

"She wanted to be with her family. She said she did better with them and they put me in hand to hand and her with the phoenix group," he said. 

I gave him a nod and smiled at my sister who had herself wrapped in Zeek's arms. She pulled herself away and moved to me, throwing her arms around me. 

"Please be safe, Morgan. Whatever happens, just stay safe," she said and I could hear her voice crack slightly. 

"You too, Harp. I love you, no matter what you'll always be my baby sister and I want you to be extra careful today. I can't lose you again," I said.

While we were hugging each other letting small tears fall, we heard some strange fake crying noises next to us. We both stood up apart from each other and looked over to see Zeek and Xen hugging and fake crying. 

"Oh Zeeky, don't die on me bro, I love you!" Xen cried out. 

"Xeny, you know I'll be safe! Take care of yourself brother!" Zeek cried out as well. 

They both stopped once they realized Harper and I were no longer hugging but giving them death glares. Their faces turned from amusement to slight fear once they saw the annoyance in our eyes. 

Just as we were going to make our feelings known about their fake crying session, the third and final alarm rang. 

Time to go to battle. 

The hike to the battle field was an hours hike. We would take the trails through the forest to arrive to a large field where we'd have our battle. 

The hike seemed to go by like the wind, and before we knew it, we were walking out to the battle field where some of us would lose our lives and one side would ultimately win the war of Earth. As we walked out, there was an army on the other side of the field. Dragons stood behind many humans. 

Humans? I thought to myself. Why would humans be helping Syfus take over Earth? 

Just as I began to ponder the question, the sound of bones snapping, and some of the humans began to squirm and growl. Other's eyes changed to a bright red, and fangs grew from their lips. 

My jaw dropped at the sight of the creatures from Earth we all thought were mere myths. 

Syfus had werewolves and vampires on his side. 

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