Six- Split

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I ran back to the others as fast as I could. Once I got there I was greeted with sighs of relief from everyone. I noticed everyone had come back and I felt relief of my own. I looked around, hearing mumbles and conversations inside our group.

"Well?" Bastion spoke up. "You must have found something interesting because you were gone so long," he said with suspicion in his voice.I looked around, just noticing how long I must've taken.

"Yeah about that," I started. "I kind of met someone in the forest," I said nervously waiting for their reactions. Everyone looked up curiously.

"Well where are they then?" Bastion asked. I looked down for a moment before saying the words I was almost dreading to say.

"Yeah, he wasn't exactly... Human," I said looking anywhere but the faces of my friends. Gasps and questions started as I expected.

"What do you mean not human?" Kaylee asked.

I looked at her and said, "You heard me, he wasn't human," I firmly stated, showing them I was not pulling a prank on the group.

I heard a laugh among the group and I looked over at Lizzy, who had laughed a bit more before asking, "What was he? A deer?" causing the rest of the group to chuckle.

I looked down, before saying the silencing statement, "No. He was an alien," I said with confidence. I looked up at everyone, who all looked like deer in headlights.

"What the hell were you doing with an alien? A fucking killer alien might I add?" Lizzy said with anger and hatred.

"He gave me valuable information. He told me that Maddie and Dylan are gone, and so is Garret. He wasn't sure about Bex. He also said we needed to leave this area, and to find the cave system deeper in the forest," I said looking at everyone who had mixed emotions.

Kaylee began to cry as Cade held her. Grayson shook his head, looking angry. Lizzy just stood there in disbelief as well as John. Bastion just seemed confused but was listening to what I had to say intently.

"Well, now what the fuck to we do? Do we listen to crazy killer alien dude Morgan happen to pick up in the woods who probably is telling his entire species where we will be as we speak, or do we stay here?" Lizzy said with anger in her voice. She looked around at the rest of the group to see who was on her side.

"We need to stay here. Liz is right. It could be a trap there, we need to stay here, maybe go into the cave deeper" Grayson said as Cade and John nodded in agreement with him. I rolled my eyes and looked at Bastion and Kaylee. Kaylee looked down, and at Cade and Grayson.

"I agree with Liz and Gray, and I wouldn't leave them anyway," she said, shaking her head in disagreement with me.

"I would not be here speaking about it if I did not think that this could be a good option. I don't know guys, I just felt like he was being honest with me as messed up as that probably sounds," I say with pleading eyes as I looked to my friends for anyone to agree with me.

"Morgan, they're right. We can't trust this random alien and hope he's good. We should stay here and go deeper into the cave," Bastion spoke as he looked at me sympathetically.

I was dumbfounded that nobody wanted to heed Xenophon's warning. Was I simply too trusting? Was the strange feeling of comfort that he somehow produced a facade I had fallen for? Somehow inside my gut I felt as though the mysterious alien man was being truthful, and I was going to stick with that.

I shook my head, eyes wide. A tear fell as I got angry at them all for not trusting my gut instincts which have very rarely been wrong. I did not say another word and I stormed over, grabbing my bag and throwing my things into it. I threw my hoodie on and began to storm out of the cave.

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