Forty Six- Training

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Training every day was hard, exhausting, but every single day I could feel my strength growing. We trained for twelve hours during the day and every  night we'd have a two hour night training. 

Two days before we went to war we had an extra long training. We trained for fifteen hours. 

Watching all the different Dyspherians shift and fight in their elements and interacting with humans was incredible. All the human groups were here now, and it was amazing how much energy and passion everyone put into everything. 

When the last group of resistance human troops came in, I saw someone I would've sworn was my younger sister Harper. Unfortunately, I didn't see her long enough to be sure. If Harper was here, I would have to find her after the war as the complex was massive and I stayed with Xen and the dragon shifters more than the humans. 

Xenophon and I trained the hardest the day of the fifteen hour training. He and I worked together well. He showed me the best hand to hand skills and I helped him learn how to take someone down in a human form, though I was sure most of the dragon shifters with Syfus's army would be in their beast like form. 

He and I stopped our hand to hand combat for a quick drink and breather. As I looked around the large training field, I was in pure awe. The phoenix were flying and fighting with dragons in the air, there were dragons and humans fighting, there were humans and Dyspherians in their human form fighting. Everyone learning the ways of one another. 

I was so sure we'd win this war, I couldn't help but smile and be proud of our army. 

After a quick break Xenophon and I returned to our hand to hand combat. 

"I'm sure most of Syfus's army will be men, so you have to master taking down someone of a taller stature and heavier weight," Xenophon instructed. 

"Then let's do this so I can show you how easy it will be to take you down," I said with a cocky smile as my hair blew in the wind. Xen nodded and gave me his own smile of confidence. 

We began to slowly circle, no weapons. All hands. Of course we would have weapons in the battle field, but being prepared for hand to hand was best for all of us. 

I could tell he was watching my every move, every flinch. And I was right. 

As soon as my leg moved so I could swing at him he had me instantly pinned to the ground. 

"You forget, we Dyspherians have a heightened sense of agility, speed and every other sense may I add," he said with a cocky smile as he held me to the ground.

The giant man on top of me was shirtless and covered in sweat and it honestly made a heat pool at my core. He was complete eye candy. 

"Hey, don't get too excited, we are training and we have a few hours left," he said in a low voice with a smirk. I couldn't help the blush that filled my cheeks. 

"Rematch," I said and he pushed himself up and held a hand out for me. 

"Focus, watch my reflexes, and be ready for anything," he said as we began to get into our positions once more. 

I watched intently at every one of his muscles on his legs as we moved around each other. As soon as I saw his right leg muscle twitch I dove out of the way, avoiding his lunge. This gave me the chance to swing my leg up and kick him in the side of the head. 

His muscular body tipped off balance for a mere second as my foot hit its target, but as fast as I hit him he had swung around and flung an arm at me. Luckily, I was able to duck and dodge that too. I swung my arm up, hitting him under the jaw. This stunned him for a second, giving me enough time to swing my leg around his two long muscular ones, taking him out at the knees. 

As his ass landed on the ground, he looked up at me with pride. "Much better," he said with a smile. Suddenly a round of applause came from around us. As I looked up from Xen who was sitting on the ground, I saw Mia, Zor, Zeek and Axa surrounding us. 

"My turn," Mia said with a wink. 

"Bring it on, Wolfy," I said with a chuckle. 

I held my hand out to help Xen up and he gave me a quick kiss on the lips before walking to the sidelines with his brothers and sister. Mia stepped into the circle. As cocky and confident I sounded, I was kind of nervous. I'd never fought a lycan before. 

"Mo! Catch!" Zeek yelled and I turned and caught the wooden practice sword. I gave him a nod of thanks and turned to Mia who was smiling. 

"Good luck," Mia said as she tossed her hair over her shoulder. 

We got into our fighting positions and like I had with Xen, I watched all her muscles on her visible legs move. She was wearing shorts so it made it easy to see where her muscles constricted and relaxed. 

I lunged first, and she quickly jumped over me, flipping in the air and behind me I heard the sound of breaking bones realigning and then a low growl. 

I turned swiftly to see Mia's lycan form, which honestly was stunning. Her fur matched her dark brown hair and it was the shiniest fur I'd ever seen. Her lycan seemed feminine and smaller than those I had met before like Maddox, but it made sense because she was female. 

She showed her pearly white fangs as she growled and then charged after me. I was quick to respond and charged at her as well. I swung my sword at her which she batted away with her large lycan hand. 

I swung again, only for the sword to again be batted away easily. I quickly realized simple swings weren't going to get me anywhere with the lycan, so I went for another strategy.

I quickly swung again, then rolled my body to the side so I had a visual of her back. Before she could turn her large bulky body, I stabbed the back, obviously not through her but she knew she'd be beaten. If I had a real sword, it would go right through her and to a lycans heart, killing them instantly. 

As I stood still, I saw a large looming shadow coming up behind me. I was fast to react. I swung the sword in a stabbing motion, which landed right at the belly of the large dark silver dragon. Zeek smiled down in his dragon form and nodded before shifting back. 

Morgan shifted back to her human form and the claps began again. "Well done, Mo, you're good," she said giving me a hug. I returned her hug before the siblings walked over to us. 

"It's dinner time, we should head in before the lycans eat everything," Zeek said. 

"Hey! We don't eat that much!" Mia shot at Zeek. 

"Well..." Zor said before stepping away from his mate as she swatted him. We all laughed as we moved our way to the building where we would have dinner. 

As we entered the large hall we used for dining, I looked around and suddenly noticed the girl I had seen earlier sitting with a group of human troops. As I stood and watched her as her brown hair covered her face, she suddenly moved just right and my heart stopped. 

It was her. It was really her. 


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