Twenty- Relaxing in Space

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It has been a week since we left Earth and Xen says it is time to really get going. Apparently this ship can go much faster than we are now, and I would be lying if I did not say I was a tad bit terrified.

"W-what do you mean f-faster?" I nervously ask Xen. He smiles and puts a comforting arm around me, causing those addicting warm sparks to flicker through my body.

"We have to go at light speed now. It is going to take another couple weeks to get there but we will get there much faster at the speed of light rather than the speed we are now," he explains. All I am able to do is nod nervously.

"Buckle up everyone, we are preparing for light speed travel," Zeek says over a com system.

We all do as instructed and Xenophon buckles me down, making sure I am fully strapped in before doing the same to himself. I reach my hand over to him and he smiles over at me.

"Speed increasing now, hold on tight!" Zeek yells.

In a millisecond the entire ship seems to move differently and my stomach begins to turn. I feel like there is a huge weight holding me down into the seat and my hand clamps around Xen's. I hear a giggle from him and the stars begin to disappear from the windows and zoom by.

I hear Zor say the word stabilizing before everything begins to go back to normal feeling with the exception of my stomach. Almost as if he knew, Xenophon holds a bucket in front of my face as I empty my stomach.

After several minutes and some dry heaves, I finally calm down with a groan. Xen already unbuckled us and had a washcloth ready for me. After cleaning up and rinsing my mouth, I notice everyone is sitting at the table except Xen and myself.

"Hey cutie," Thane says looking at me. "You feeling better?"

Xen growls from behind me but I ignore his defensive noise and respond.

"Compared to five minutes ago, yes I feel better," I say with a laugh.

Zeek is sitting with Thane and Zor taps the seat next to him. I slide in next to Zor and Xen sits on my other side.

We begin to converse about their planet and the plan about when we get there. Apparently we have to be careful and we are going to get me some purple contacts so I blend in better.

"We do not have to hide you forever of course, just initially to get to a point where we can introduce you to the population. We do not know how the kingdom will take their new princess being an alien to the planet," Xenophon explains.

The curious thought of me being an alien was strange. Up until this point, they were the aliens to my world, and now the tables had turned.

Xen expressed that he was excited to introduce me to his family. He told me that his sister would be an amazing friend to me and he was sure she would be a doting aunt and his mother would be head over heals for me. According to the men, Xenophon's father was a polite and gentle man, and above all was very wise. As the brother's put it, he was an amazing King and ruler.

Zeek wants to take me on adventures as he has said before, and he told me more about the amazing sights their planet had to offer. Fresh water springs are everywhere and almost the entire planet is made of natural materials.

There were other species on the planet obviously, but nobody went into detail which made me wonder what strange creatures I would see on the planet we were on our way to.

Zor on the other hand just wants to keep me safe and sheltered. He puts his hand on my stomach at least once an hour and checks on the baby. He says he is best at checking it but I know any of the Dyspherians could have done it. He just happened to be medically trained as well, which is why I did not say anything about it. I think there was a bit more to his obsessive checking, as I know all related Dyspherians had a connection to one another, and that would include my unborn child.

Thanks to their obvious superior technology, we are going to relax for a few weeks until we reach their planet, as the ship can pilot itself. I am not sure if I am more nervous to be somewhere new or if I am excited for the new adventure ahead of me.

As we are talking, a beeping noise begins at the front of the ship.

"Sounds like someone wants to talk," Zeek says sliding out and walking to the front. I listen and hear Zeek begin to talk to someone with a feminine voice and someone else with a deep manly voice.

"Xenophon! It's for you big brother!" Zeek yells coming back into the living area. Xen shrugs and walks into the front. I hear his conversation clearly from my seat as I listen in.

"Xenophon how are you honey? Did you like Earth?" the female voice begins.

"I enjoyed it a lot. Perhaps too well in fact," Xen says.

"What do you mean, son?" she says revealing that she must be his and the twins's mother.

"We are bringing something, well someone, home with us," he explains.

"Son I don't understand? Why would you bring an earthing human home with you?" the woman asks.

"She is my mate," he says with confidence. Hearing those words made butterflies flutter in my stomach.

"How did you manage to get her onto the port? The sensors-" she begins but she is cut off by Xen's response.

"She's with my child," he says and silence falls upon the ship.

I turn to see Zeek giggling and Thane sucking his lips in in amusement. They must have found it amusing that their mother responded in silence. Suddenly another female voice pops up.

"You're going to be a father?! You left for a matter of weeks and you got a human pregnant?! I knew I should've come to watch you," the voice says and everyone bursts with laughter around me.

"She's not just a human. I'm connected to her. I'll explain more when we arrive in a couple weeks," Xenophon finally speaks again. His mothers voice pops in again and the three have a small conversation before their goodbyes could be heard.

Xenophon walks out running his hand through his black hair and shaking his head.

"That went well, Xeenie," Zeek says while laughing.

Xen rolls his eyes and returns to his seat next to me. He wraps his arm around me and I push my body against his. I lean my head against the side of his chest and look up at him.

"So, did you just tell them I'm pregnant with your child over a call?" I ask smiling.

"Bascially," he says and everyone laughs. "They're excited to meet you and their newest family member though. Nothing to worry about," Xen smiles down at me.

For the rest of my time awake, the men share stories of their planet and tell every detail they can about their home. My feelings about the planet do not change but I am more excited than worried now. I reach down and rub my belly, thinking to myself. Time to see your other home, little one.


I have been hiding in this underground storm shelter for I do not know how long. I am alone. Garret is gone.

I have been living on the food stored down here. I assume the owners are long dead if they are not even here with me.

I have heard several noises above me recently and I know they are close, and getting closer every moment.

I tuck myself away in the farthest corner of the cold hard shelter and hope nothing notices the doors which I have tried to cover with branches, grass and anything I could use.

My worst nightmare suddenly becomes reality as the doors slam open. My heart stops, my breathing short and heavy. I hear something or someone, hopefully human, jump down and land on the hard floor.

Their footsteps come closer and closer. I know it is only one pair, which is a slight relief to me, as I know it will not be a war for my life. It would most likely be a one shot kill if anything.

Terror fills me as a purple glow grows closer. It is an alien. I cover my mouth and a tear runs down my face. I hold my breath and clamp my eyes shut but I am sure it can hear my heart pounding.

Silence takes over my senses and all I hear is my pounding heart. As my eyes slowly open, all I see are glowing eyes.

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