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Viviana hadn't been feeling the greatest lately, and she was unsure of why. Constantly getting light-headed and dizzy fairly easy and wouldn't listen to Christian when he advised her to go see a doctor. It was just an unusual migraine, she thought. Nothing to stress over.

"Baby, just go see a doctor...You're worrying me.." Christian said, rubbing her back as she hunched over the toilet early in the morning after vomiting yet again. Viviana knew he was concerned, but there wasn't going to be anything for the doctor to do over a stomach bug.

"Christian, I'm okay. Trust me, just a little stomach bug.. I probably just ate something my stomach didn't like.." She said, leaning back against his chest and closed her eyes as she let her head sulk. She was in pain; Her body ached and just wanted the constant nausea to go away. "The doctors can't do much for that, it'll go away...If I spike a fever or something more serious, then I'll go.."

"Viviana, go see a doctor. You've been feeling like this for the last couple of days. I don't like seeing you like this." She could tell he was really concerned, but she refused.

"I'm fine." She snapped, standing up, closing her eyes as she held onto the edge of the counter to combat the lightheadedness. "Trust me."

Christian just shook his head as he helped her back to bed, "I don't think so, but, if you say so." He replied as he covered her up and sighed, "Do you need anything?" He asked, running his fingers through her hair.

She shook her head, "Just a nap.." She replied, getting comfy in the blankets before puckering her lips, wanting a kiss from Christian. He leaned down, kissing her lips softly before walking out of the bedroom to leave her to get some rest.


She sat at the doctor's office, awaiting her yearly physical, which was something she hated, but needed done.

"When was your last period?" Her nurse asked her. Routine question at every appointment, but Viviana paused, trying to figure out the answer. When did she last have her period?

Viviana checked her app on her phone, "I don't quick remember, let me quickly check." She said and lost all expression on her face. Last period was well over two months ago.

"You were talking about how you haven't been feeling well. Dizziness, light-headed, nauseous...Is there a possibility you could be pregnant?" Jesus fucking Christ.

"I don't know..I, uh, maybe? My periods have been irregular since my birthday a couple of months ago.." She said quietly. Holy fuck, she really was pregnant.

"Have you and your partner been using protection when having sexual intercourse?" The nurse asked, Viviana just gave a blank stare.

"Most of the time we do, but sometimes it just slips our mind. I usually go get a Plan B or something. I was on my pill, but I went off of it.." Viviana replied, running all these scenarios through her head.

"Why don't I run a test?" Her nurse suggested, Viviana nodded in compliance. "We'll do a simple blood test, it's more accurate than a urine test." The nurse said as Viviana just nodded again, unable to spit out any words.

They ran a test and the results were back within the hour. "Definitely pregnant, Viv. Can't really determine how far along, but, definitely pregnant." As the nurse spoke, it seemed like everything just deafened in her ears, like she was unable to hear anything.

Shit. She couldn't tell Christian, there was no way. He was getting into his training mode, he was in his off season celebration, his regular break before getting back into everyday baseball.


"Vi, you're going to have to tell him eventually. Once you start showing, how are you going to hide it?" Gia asked her sister who was in a daze on the couch.

Viviana snapped out of her daze, shrugging it off. "I don't want him to get all worried.."

"How far along are you anyways?" Gia asked, concern in her voice.

"I don't even know. I'm gonna go back to my nurse and see if she can do an ultrasound on me. My periods have been weird since around my birthday, and I only took a Plan B once." Vivi replied, "I just...I don't know what to do..." Her hands shook as she took a shaky breath.

"I can always take you.." Gia suggested, "I know you were just there, but, maybe it would be good just to get an idea on how far along you are, just so we can start brainstorming things with how to tell Christian.."

Vivi nodded, looking at her hands, then at her sister. "Yeah...I think that sounds like a good idea. Isn't your friend an OB/GYN?" She asked.

"Yeah, Hannah. I'm sure she's in her office today, too. We can see if she can get us in and do an ultrasound."

Viviana looked at her sister as she called her friend to schedule an appointment, hands still shaky. Her nerves were driving her insane.


"I mean, I wouldn't even have to do a blood test to see if you were pregnant. All your symptoms and whatnot just scream pregnant." Gia's friend Hannah said as Viviana laid on the table, looking over at Hannah. She was so mad at herself; She knew that taking her birth control was something she was lacking on lately, but she didn't think it would be a huge issue. But now, she was paying the consequences, and was expecting.

Hannah smiled at her, "I'm ready to see the baby, are you?" She asked, Vivi nodded and Hannah inserted the probe, looking around a bit. "Looks to be around 10 weeks and a couple days.."

Shit. That meant the baby would be here right around the time of spring training, that wasn't good.

Vivi looked at the screen, "Is everything okay? Healthy? Heartbeat?" She asked and then gasped once she heard the sound of the perfect timing of her baby's heartbeat. She felt the tears well up in her eyes and fall down her cheeks. That was her baby.

"Everything is perfect, Vi. Perfect heartbeat, perfect health. You have a healthy little munchkin in there." Hannah smiled, "Does Christian know yet?"

Viviana froze, expression going blank. "Uh, n-no..Not yet.." She stammered out. "I don't really know when or how to tell him..." She replied, shaking her head. "Can I see the pictures?"

Hannah nodded, "Of course." She handed over the photos, Vivi smiled softly looking at the pictures of her tiny little baby.

How on earth was she going to tell Christian?

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now