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Viviana woke up in the middle of the night with a horrible pain. She knew it was time. She moved and shook Christian lightly, "Babe, we gotta go..."

Christian sat up fast, "What? What's going on?"

"I think Adelaide's ready to come.."

"But, she's not due for three more weeks. Are you sure?" Christian got up, helping Vivi up.

She nodded, "I've felt this twice before with the others, I know when they want to come..." She grabbed his arms, "Can you go get my mom, please?"

Christian nodded, "You sit down.." He helped her sit back down and went into Viviana's parents' room, who were still awake. "I don't mean to bother you guys, but uh, I think Vivi's going into labor.."

Her mother got up, "Where is she?" She followed Christian into the bedroom. "Vi, she's not due for three more weeks.."

"I know, mom, but this is exactly what I felt with Eiley and Sawyer.." Viviana said, taking a deep breath. "I just need to get to the hospital, please..."

Christian helped her up again, grabbing her hands. "Cmon, babe. We're gonna get there.." He said, trying to reassure her that everything was going to be okay." He was trying his best to remain calm, but he was beyond nervous. Adelaide was three weeks early, there was no way she was on her way already.


Viviana held Christian's hand tightly as she laid in the hospital bed. Surprised she hadn't broke his hand yet, her grip seemed to just get tighter and tighter. Her contractions were coming more frequently, she was ready to get this baby out of her.

"Babe, you gotta breathe... Everything is going to be okay," Christian assured her, trying to loosen Vivi's grip on his hand.

"It doesn't really help that she's three weeks fucking early and trying to tear through my fucking vagina, Chris." Vivi snapped, closing her eyes tightly as she felt another contraction come through.

The nurse and doctor walked in, measuring her to see how dilated she was, "Alright, Mrs. Yelich, I think we're ready to get this delivery on the road."

Vivi let out a sigh of relief, she couldn't wait. They needed to administer the epidural fast, Viviana didn't want to feel any of this.

"I'm right here, babe. Just breathe.." Christian whispered to her, holding her leg to help assist. "You are so strong.."

"What if the epidural doesn't kick in?" Viviana looked at Christian in fear, she was petrified to feel any pain.

"It will, babygirl. I promise." He kissed her forehead, "Just push, and breathe. We've done this twice before, well, you have, you got this.." Christian said softly, looking at the doctor.

Viviana nodded and began pushing, the sweat rolling down her forehead and the tears coming down her cheeks as she started to feel pain. The epidural wasn't doing its job. She could feel every bit of pain that hit her body.

"You're doing so good, baby...Just a couple more pushes.." he whispered, allowing Viviana to squeeze his hand as she continued to push.

She took a deep breath, pushing again and let out a scream as she realized the epidural was nothing to this birthing process. She was feeling everything. She was almost done, she could do this.

"I'm so proud of you, Vi. You're so fucking strong," Christian smiled, tears in his eyes as he saw his beautiful baby girl come into the world. Viviana was quick to take Adelaide, holding her against her chest and just cried.

"She's so beautiful, C..." Viviana said, grinning up at Christian.

He wiped under her eyes and nodded, "Just like her momma,"

The doctors quickly took Adelaide from Viviana's arms as she was born three weeks premature, they wanted to make sure everything was okay.

"Go with them, please.." Viviana pleaded to her husband, watching him as he followed the doctors and nurses with their newborn daughter. Her happiness quickly changed to nerves; She didn't want anything to be wrong with her precious girl. The last thing she wanted was to lose her.


Some time passed and Christian was able to walk back into the room where Viviana was, holding his newborn daughter in wrapped blanket. The doctors followed behind.

"She's five pounds and 4 ounces, and just a little over 18 inches," The doctor told them, "For being three weeks premature, she is doing amazing. We do want to keep you overnight however, just to monitor stats with you and to monitor the little one.." She smiled, "Congrats, you two."

The nurse walked over, "Have we thought about a name for the beautiful girl?"

Viviana nodded, taking her daughter into her arms. "Uh, yes. Adelaide Presley.." She smiled at Christian, "Adelaide Presley Yelich.." She told the nurse who wrote it down.

"We can do her fingerprints and footprints later on, I'm sure momma wants to be with her girl.." The nurse smiled, walking out of the room, leaving the married couple with their baby girl.

"She's so beautiful, Viv.." Christian whispered, moving onto the bed, sitting next to Viviana so she could rest against him.

Vivi smiled, "She's got super dark hair...Definitely doesn't get that from me." She giggled quietly, adjusting so Adelaide could eat. "And she latched on quickly.."

Christian chuckled, running his fingers over his newborn's dark hair, "Your mom said the kiddos were still sleeping, so they're gonna come in the morning to meet her. She wants you to rest.." He kissed the side of Viviana's head.

Once Adelaide finished eating, Viviana rested her head against Christian's chest and was quick to doze off. Christian took his daughter from her arms and cradled her gently.

"You are so beautiful, Ads..." He said quietly, kissing her forehead, "I'm so happy you're finally here." Christian just couldn't believe how crazy his life was. Under forty and had three kids, an amazing baseball career, married to his best friend? How much better could life be? He wanted nothing else. He had everything he needed right in his arms and against him, plus his two beautiful children sleeping peacefully back at home.

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