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Viviana held onto Christian as she embraced him in one more hug before he left for spring training in Arizona. She was deeply hurt that she couldn't come with, but, with her being so pregnant, traveling was definitely a restriction. 

"I won't be gone long, and we'll video chat every night, okay?" Christian assured her, rubbing her back then moved to crouch down and kiss her belly. "You be good for momma, don't cause her troubles." He said quietly before kissing her belly again. He stood back up and pulled Viviana into his arms, pulling her as close to him as he could. "I love you.." 

"I love you.." She replied back quietly, resting her head on his chest. This sucked; She didn't want to let go. 

Christian pulled away from the hug, giving her one more kiss before he pulled back and looked at her, "I'll call you when I get there. Go home and rest.." He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "If anything comes up, I'll be on the first flight home." He told her, Vivi just nodded and hugged him again. 

"Baby, I gotta go..." He told her as she shook her head. "You know I wish I could stay home, babygirl..." Christian said, sighing and kissed the top of her head. 

Vivi pulled away from the hug, tears welling up in her eyes. "Have a safe flight.." She told him before kissing him again and watched as he got on the bus with his teammates and was off to the airport without her. She was alone, and would be for the next six weeks.


The apartment was too quiet without Christian home, and felt bigger than usual with just Viviana staying there. She didn't want to stay at her apartment she owned with her sister, she felt more at home in Christian's, one that used to be hers as well. It was starting to feel like her home again, and that's where she wanted to be. It was soon going to be home to their precious baby daughter, who was going to be here in a short time. 

Viviana couldn't wait for that day; As much as she loved being pregnant, she was ready to welcome her baby girl into the world and shower her with love. The guest bedroom had turned into a nursery, showered in pink and floral decorations, awaiting the arrival. The two still had to decide on a name for their beautiful girl, but, she wanted to do that with him in person. 

She wanted to be with Christian more than ever. Sure it was only six weeks, but, it was the first time in a while that she was unable to be with him for something. Her being pregnant and all was starting to take a toll on her mentally and she could tell that Christian was starting to beat himself up over it. 


Christian stirred awake in the middle of the night, woken up by a terrible nightmare. He held his chest, trying to calm his heart-rate. He needed to call Vivi and make sure she was doing okay. He had completely forgotten to call her once he landed in Phoenix; There was so much going through his mind, he didn't even look at his phone when he got there. He simply unpacked his things and laid in bed. 

He grabbed his phone and called Viviana on FaceTime, hoping she would be awake. She answered within seconds, Christian let out a sigh of relief. 

"Everything okay..?" She asked, "It's pretty late, babe.." Vivi looked concerned, why was he calling so late?

"Yeah, just a nightmare. Why are you still awake?" Christian asked her, "You should be resting, babygirl. The little one keeping you up?" 

Vivi shook her head, resting her head on her hand, "No. Just can't sleep. Been trying to watch boring things to make myself fall asleep, but, I don't know...This bed just seems really big and empty.." She said, frowning and positioned the phone so it was on its side as she talked to him.

"Sorry, baby. I wish I was there to rub your hips or something..." Christian said, feeling horrible that he couldn't do anything to help his pregnant girlfriend. 

"It's okay, I'll fall asleep eventually. I have nothing planned tomorrow, so I can just use tomorrow to sleep." She shrugged, letting out a sigh. "I miss you a lot, you didn't call when you got there..."

"It completely slipped my mind, babe. I'm so sorry. I got here, unpacked my things and once my head hit the pillow, I was out." He explained. He felt like a shitty human, not calling his girlfriend who was probably worried sick about him. 

"I understand, flight okay though? Everything went okay?" Vivi asked, Christian nodded as his reply. "She's been kicking me like crazy, I don't know if she's mad that you aren't here, or just wanting to make me mad.." Vivi said, giggling quietly. Christian perked up a smile when he heard Vivi's giggle, he missed hearing that. 

"She's mad I'm not there to give her or her momma kisses." Christian replied, yawning and stretched out. "But like we said, only a couple weeks. It'll be over in no time." 

Vivi nodded, "Yeah..." 

Christian frowned, noticing the change in her mood, "Baby, you know if I could get you on a plane out here, I would. But, the doctors won't let you fly.." 

"I can try and convince them, it's not a long plane ride, I just want to be with you...I need to be with you.." Viviana said, tearing up. She felt pathetic, couldn't even last a day without her boyfriend by her side. She blamed her hormones, she knew they could probably go the full six weeks, but with this pregnancy kicking her ass, she wanted nothing more than for her boyfriend to be there caring for her. 

"Vivi, no. No way, I'm not gonna let you even try and tempt the doctors. You're staying in Milwaukee." Christian told her, a stern tone to his voice. "Don't even think about it, got it? I want you and our baby safe. I don't want a flight risking that just because I'm gone for spring training." 

"Christian, you don't understand. Anything could happen in six weeks and if something happens with our little girl, I want to have you there, no matter what the circumstance. I can't do that alone.." Vivi explained to him, wiping under her eyes as more tears fell. "I'm talking to my doctor tomorrow. Typically, if its a healthy pregnancy, they let you fly up to full term, babe. They just limit because they don't want the mom going into labor early.." She said, looking at her phone, then at her tummy as she felt another kick. 

Christian just sighed in defeat, knowing he wasn't going to get a compromise with Vivi. "Fine, but if you do fly out here, please tell me. I don't want to have to stress and worry about whether or not my girl is coming out here." 

"I'm going to talk to my doctor tomorrow then get in touch with some doctors out there, just to be safe, okay?" 

Christian nodded, "Okay, babe...You go to sleep. We'll discuss this more after you get some rest, I don't want to keep you up anymore." 

"I love you.." Vivi said, even though she knew Christian was a little disappointed.

"I love you too. I'll talk to you in the morning.." He said before hanging up the call. He couldn't believe his girlfriend was about to risk a pregnancy to fly out and see him in Arizona. Maybe he should've just stayed back in Milwaukee..

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora