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It was getting bitterly cold in Milwaukee which meant Christian and Viviana had to start planning for their offseason.

The two had discussed going back to Miami for the off-season, living with Viviana's family. But, at the same time, California seemed like a beautiful place to live, and they could be with Christian's family.

That's what made their relationship hard at first. When Christian was in Miami, during the season, it was great. But come the off-season? They were literally across the country from one another and the long distance sucked. It was hard at times, trying to figure out how they could see one another in person instead of constantly FaceTiming and Skyping. The two of them coming together in Milwaukee was amazing, made their relationship strong.

"Baby, we need to start thinking about what we wanna do." Viviana told Christian, who was cleaning up the kitchen after making the kids lunch.

"About what?" Christian looked at her, "Off-season?"

Viviana nodded, "It's getting cold out here, and I'm sure you want to move back to where it's warm. But, where is what I'm wondering.."

Christian nodded, "Yeah, that's what I wanted to try and get figured out too. I'm sure you want to be in Miami, and it would kind of be nice to be out in California with my mom.."

"Exactly our problem.." Viviana said, "They live across the country from one another, and there's no way in hell I'm living across the country from you for the off-season and splitting these kids up."

"Never said that." Christian told her. "I just said that I think it would be nice to live in California, but I know you probably want to be out in Miami with your family.."

Viviana sighed, "We just...We visited your mom a lot, and we barely saw my parents. I think it would be kind of nice to be out there with them and have the kiddos spend time with them.."

Christian sighed, putting away the dishes and leaned against the counter, crossing his arms, "You're right." He said, "Miami is pretty nice.."

"So you would consider moving out there for the off-season?" Viviana asked, looking at Christian's facial expressions change.

"I think it would be fine. Plus, we could take the kids to Disney World. I'm sure Eiley would love that and Sawyer could get a little Disney atmosphere in him," Christian chuckled, "And I can go back to my old stomping grounds and get some off-season training in before we go to Phoenix."

Viviana smiled at him, nodding. "My mom's going to be so excited to hear we're moving back to Miami for a couple of months." She walked to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "It'll be nice to be back where you and I first began.." She giggled, standing on her tiptoes to give his lips a quick peck.

Christian nodded, wrapping his arms around Vivi, his hands going to her ass. "Take a little trip down memory lane?" He smiled, kissing her lightly.

She pulled away from the kiss, giggling. "I think it'll be a fun experience for the entire family.."

The start of a new adventure was just what the family needed.


Christian finished packing up the last of their suitcases and sat down on the bed, "Gonna miss this bed for a couple of months, but, the one at your parents' place is still great." He laughed, "You sure they're okay with us staying with them?"

Viviana nodded, "Baby, my parents house is huge. Seven bedrooms? Five bathrooms? Sawyer and Eiley get their own rooms, we get my room, it's going to be great. They're thrilled we decided to move in with them instead of finding an apartment or house out there since this is just temporary."

"I just don't want to be a bother, y'know what I mean?" Christian asked her, standing up and fixed his hoodie, "I don't want them to get annoyed with us."

"Babe, you lived with us for how long? I don't think they'll get annoyed with us. My mom is always asking about the kids anyways. Especially little Sawyer. None of our parents really have had a lot of time with him." She commented, kissing his cheek, "We're going to have lots of fun, and the kids are going to love it."

Eiley came in with a little suitcase and put it on the ground, "I all done, mommy! We go see gamma and gampa?" She asked, reaching her arms up to Viviana who picked her up, fixing the little bow she had clipped in Eiley's hair.

"Yes, princess! We're gonna go see grandma and grandpa and guess what? We get to have a sleepover with them!!" Viviana smiled at Eiley who gasped.

"Sweepover, mommy!? How long?!" Eiley exclaimed, "All us?"

Christian walked into Sawyer's room, picking him up, "Eiley forgot to come let you out?" He laughed, walking back to their bedroom.

"All of us are going to be having a big sleepover with gramma and grandpa. You even get to see your Aunty Cammy and Uncle Garrett!"

"No way, mommy!" Eiley shook her head, "You cwazy!"

Viviana giggled, "I'm being serious, bug! They're all so excited to see you!! Well Aunty Cammy and Uncle Garrett don't know we're coming yet, so we're gonna surprise them! They haven't met Sawyer yet!"

Eiley nodded, "We fly?"

Christian smiled, watching the two interact, "Yeah, babygirl, we're gonna fly there. We're gonna take the plane by ourselves so we can have all of our stuff with us and so it doesn't get lost!"

Viviana looked at Christian, smiling at Sawyer, "I didn't even see you had my little man!!" She walked over by them, kissing Sawyer's cheek, "Hi, handsome boy! Did you have a good nap?"

Sawyer flashed a cute, gummy smile at Viviana, reaching out for her. The two swapped kids and Viviana kissed all over Sawyer's face, causing him to squeal.

"You're gonna be so excited when you meet your other family members, bubba!" She wiped the sleep out of his eyes, "We gotta get your little travel bag together and make sure we have your blankey and your nookie." Viviana said, walking into Sawyer's bedroom, setting him down in his bouncer. "You bounce around and I'm gonna make sure we have everything!"

Christian and Eiley walked in, "Do you want some help, babe?" Christian asked Viviana.

Viviana looked back at Christian, "If you want! You don't have to, baby. I can entertain the kids if you wanna start hauling luggage to the car.."

"I help daddy, momma!" Eiley said, flexing her arm, "I got big muskles!"

"Oh my goodness, you do! You can go help daddy with what you can if you want, Eils!" Viviana laughed, "I'll be in here with Sawyer getting his stuff together."

Christian nodded, grabbing Eiley's hand as the two of them walked out into the bedroom to get their things together.

"You sure you can handle this, Eils?!" Christian asked his daughter, looking at her.

"Yes, daddy! I so strong!" Eiley giggled, jumping up and down. "I hold Bubby all time!"

"Okay! I trust you!!" He said as he gave her one of the lightest bags to carry down to the car. It was definitely going to be the move of a lifetime.

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now