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(MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Hope y'all have an amazing holiday)

Christian had left for spring training a week ago, without Viviana and Eiley. He had to be out there early with the team for prep; This being the first time Eiley would travel with the two of them to Arizona and watch Christian play baseball. Viviana was nervous to fly with Eiley, although they were flying a private plane, she didn't know how Eiley was going to react to flying. She had to make sure she had enough to keep her occupied.

"Momma? Weave?" Eiley had her blanket in her hand as she sucked her thumb, looking at Vivi.

Vivi zipped up the suitcase and went over by Eiley and picked her up. "Yeah, sweetie. We're going to fly on a plane to watch daddy play baseball!"

Eiley smiled and laid her head on Vivi's shoulder. "Dada.."

"He's gonna be so happy to see you!" Vivi told her, setting her down, "Can you carry your bag like a big girl?" Eiley grabbed her little backpack and looked at Vivi, "Good job, Eils!" She smiled and held out her hand for Eiley to take.

After a short plane ride, Viviana knew that Eiley was getting antsy and crabby. She didn't sleep the entire flight as Ryan's wife and kids were on the plane, so Celine kept Eiley occupied the entire flight.

Vivi drove out to Christians place in Phoenix, ready to see her fiancé. She picked up Eiley and walked into his apartment, looking around. "Go check the bedroom, Eils. Go see if he's there." She set Eiley down and she went running.

"Dada! Dada!" Eiley yelled as she toddled into the bedroom. Christian smiles big, getting out of bed and picked her up.

"Hey, bug!" He said, kissing all over her face. "I missed you so much!" Eiley wrapped her arms around his neck, laying her head on his shoulder.

"Dada..." She said, Christian rubbing her back.

Vivi walked in, leaning against the door. "She hasn't slept yet, so she might be cranky or getting tired.." She said, noticing how Eiley was laying her head on Christian.

"I can tell. I picked her up and she instantly just laid her head on me." Christian replied as he kept rubbing her back. "Did she entertain the entire flight?"

"Celine kept her occupied. Definitely think those two will be bff's." Vivi laughed. "Larisa said she's got some more of Celine's old clothes I could look through for Eiley if I wanted. Some Brewers stuff, but didn't know if you would be okay with her wearing Ryan's number." She smiled, "I said I might just take them for giggles, and to see how you would react."

Christian rose an eyebrow, "Oh yeah? Well, I know that Eiley's always gonna be my number one fan. Next to my fiancé of course. I guess I could be okay with her wearing Ryan's number occasionally." He shrugged, smiling. He looked at Eiley who was fast asleep in his arms. "I'm gonna go lay her down.." he told Vivi, walking into the bedroom he made Eiley's and laid her in the crib.

Vivi walked with him and looked around in the room, noticing how it was like her room back in Milwaukee. "Baby, did you do all this?" She asked, Christian closed her door quietly as they walked back into the bedroom.

He nodded, "I want her to be comfortable here and be able to call this home too." He told her, shutting their bedroom door behind them. "So I got some of her favorite toys and got a crib with some fuzzy blankets like she has at home and decorated it for her." He sat down on the edge of the bed, Vivi unpacked some of her things. "But flight was okay?"

Vivi looked back at him, "Yeah, she did really good. Better than I expected. I had her bring her favorite toys so she wouldn't really notice we were flying." She folded shirts, putting them in the dresser drawers. "She was very excited to see you and she can't wait to see you play baseball." Vivi giggled, taking off her shoes and then continued to unpack.

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now