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It was a very rough morning for Viviana. She could've sworn her pregnancy with Sawyer was bad with the nausea, dizziness, fatigue, but with their new little baby? She was feeling it times a hundred. It really was affecting her mood, and she just wanted to lay in bed.

Christian walked in the bathroom to see Viviana hunched over the toilet once again and crouched down next to her, holding her hair back. "I feel horrible for you, babe..." He said quietly, rubbing her back.

Viviana cleared her throat, spitting into the toilet before she just leaned back against Christian, "The baby is so little yet making me feel like absolute shit." She said, closing her eyes.

He carefully picked her up bridal style, carrying her to their bedroom. He laid her down and got her under the covers. "You stay in bed today and rest. I'll keep the kiddos entertained, do you need anything?"

"Can you just get me a glass of water, please?" She asked him, her voice raspy. Christian nodded, quickly going into the kitchen to grab her a glass of iced water. He walked back in, setting the glass on the nightstand.

"You need anything else?" He asked her before Viviana just shook her head. He nodded and kissed her head, "I'm gonna go out by the kids, okay? You let me know if you need anything.."

Viviana nodded, turning on her side and cuddled up in the blankets. She felt horrible; She just wanted to be able to spend time with her family, not be cooped up in bed. But, this pregnancy was kicking her ass and she couldn't do much but lay in bed and be cooped up.


A couple of hours later, Viviana woke up from her nap and walked out into the living room in sweats and one of Christian's hoodies. Eiley saw Viviana walk in and instantly her eyes lit up, dropping whatever was in her hands and ran over to Vivi.

"Hi, momma!" Eiley smiled at her, "You okay?" Viviana picked her up and sat down on the couch with her.

"I'm doing better, babygirl. Thank you for asking me.." Viviana replied, kissing Eiley's forehead. She held Eiley close as she looked over at Christian, "You let me sleep like all day.."

Christian looked over and nodded, "Maybe I did," He chuckled, "You needed the rest. It's okay, I had fun with the kiddos all day. Sawyer kept us entertained."

Vivi nodded, laying her head down on the couch as she rubbed Eiley's back, "I feel better though, so I guess I gotta thank you for letting me rest.." She shrugged, "I probably would've been shoved back into the bedroom if I got up anyways."

"You know me too well," Christian said. "You need to rest."

"But I also like being out by my family and spending time with them." Viviana laughed, looking at Christian. "I have laundry to do.." She laid Eiley in the couch, getting up. Christian was quick to get up as well, grabbing her arm and shook his head.

"You're sitting down. I will get to it." Christian looked at her, "Rest."

Vivi rolled her eyes, "Christian, I can do it. I'm fine." She moves her arm, walking into their laundry room and started on the laundry. Christian just sighed and sat back down, entertaining the kids while Viviana worked on the laundry.

When she finished, she set the basket on the counter, walking out and noticed Christian wasn't in the living room with the kids. Confused, she walked into each of the kids' rooms to see they were sound asleep. She smiled and walked into the bedroom, "It's still crazy to me how quick they go to sleep and how they adjusted to the hour jump.."

Christian looked up from his phone and locked it, setting it on the table. "Eiley struggled at first, but, I think she's used to it by now." He shrugged, "I think they really like it out here.."

Vivi nodded, sitting next to him, "I just feel bad. We're having a third kid and we live with my parents..."

"Your mom and I actually were talking about it the other day.." Christian admitted; He hadn't told Viviana this as he didn't really know how she would take it.

"What did she say?" She asked, concerned.

"Nothing bad! She said that she knew that we're having a third kid and she knows that you already feel like a burden bringing us all here but she actually loves having us here. She said it makes the house feel like home again.." Christian told her, putting his hand on her thigh, "You worry too much, babygirl. You have nothing to worry about! They're willing to help us and they don't think we're a burden." He kissed her cheek.

Viviana sighed, "She says that, but I just feel bad for invading their space with the kids.."

"You aren't invading my space, Vi." Her mother said as she was walking into her room. "I told Christian that I really do love having you all here. I am glad you guys decided to move here instead of find another place somewhere else.." She said, setting the basket down. "I love having my grandkids every day and having my daughter and her husband here with me."

"You sure, mom? We can always try looking for another place..." Vivi said, rubbing her arm.

"Don't even think about it. Your father and I are here to help you and your family. They're our family as well, we want to make sure we're being good hosts and good grandparents. And good in-laws," She chuckled, earning a little laugh from Christian.

Viviana nodded, "Okay..." She said, nodding again, "What were you coming in here for?"

Her mom smiled, "Dropping off the laundry. Also, was wondering if you two wanted to take the kids to Disney World tomorrow..." She held up some passes. "I think Eiley would go nuts."

Christian smiles, looking at Viviana who couldn't help but smile. "I think we would love to do that."

"Mom, you didn't have to do that!" Vivi said, going to hug her mom, "Oh my goodness, they're gonna be so happy." She kissed her cheek, "Thank you.."

"No need to thank me! You guys deserve a day out with your kiddos. Your dad and I wanted to spoil you guys a little. Plus, I think Eiley would love to meet Donald Duck."

"For sure, she might just cry." Viviana laughed, hugging her mom again. "Thank you, momma. I think we're gonna head to bed." She said good night to her mom and closed the door once she walked out and looked over at Christian, "The kids are gonna freak."

Christian chuckled, "Sawyer is gonna be happy to see some Toy Story." He smiled, moving the blankets so Viv could get under the covers. "I think it'll be fun. You and I haven't been there in a while."

Vivi nodded, laying next to Christian, "And we get to experience it again with our kids."

"You gonna be okay with walking around all day?" Christian asked her, knowing she gets tired easily.

"I should be fine. As long as I keep myself busy, then I'm fine. I can't ride any rides, but I will gladly sit with Sawyer while you and Eils do all the crazy ones," She giggled, pulling the blankets up. "It'll be a super fun day."

"Nothing like a day with my family." Christian said, cuddling his wife close. He couldn't wait to have a family day. It's what they all needed. The stress of the pregnancy was definitely taking a toll on Viviana and this was something that would take her mind off of things for a day and enjoy time with her two beautiful babies and her amazing husband.

And in the happiest place on earth? Perfect.

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now