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This pregnancy felt more difficult to Viviana, and she was unsure on why. She was going to bed earlier than usual, sometimes calling it a night as early as 6:30. It was exhausting on her body, and she just wanted to be comfortable and be able to still be a mom while another child was growing to be welcomed into the real world.

As she folded up laundry in the bedroom with Eiley laying on the bed watching her mother at work, Christian walked in and looked at her, "Excuse me, you should be resting. You said you didn't feel good.."

Viviana sighed, looking over at him, "I just had to get this stuff done. It was driving me nuts just sitting in a corner all crumpled up. Don't worry about me."

Christian walked to where she was standing and took the pile of clothes away from his wife and shuffled her to the bed, "Sit. Then lay your head on the pillow and rest. I will clean up, and I will start dinner. Eiley and I got this, we can work as a team. Right, Eils?"

Eiley looked up from the iPad at Christian, "What, daddy?"

"I told momma to rest so you and I can go make dinner!" He smiled, moving the iPad out of her lap to pick her up.

"Yes! Can we has 'ketti?" She asked her dad, her smile beaming just like Christian's.

Their smiles were exact copies of each other's. That's what Viviana hoped for when she was pregnant with Eiley; She wanted their child to have Christian's beautiful smile because as much as he hated it, she adored it. One of the reasons she fell for him was his charming smile. She had his curls, his smile, her nose, her eyes, but she just couldn't believe how lucky she was to have a beautiful daughter and get blessed with another kid.

"Of course! You can help me with the noodles!" Christian told his daughter as he walked with her into the kitchen.


"Baby? Do you remember where I put all my maternity clothes?" Viviana called out, searching in her closet for the box of clothes she had packed away once she realized she probably wouldn't need them for a while, or ever again.

Christian walked in the bedroom with a towel around his waist, hair still wet from the shower, "I think on my side of the closet, honestly." He walked into their closet, looking and reached up to grab the box, not realizing his towel fell from his waist.

Viviana giggled, looking at him, "Damn, you really do have a nice ass." She smiled as Christian looked down, putting the towel back around his waist, shaking his head.

"There are your mommy clothes." Christian laughed, grabbing boxers and sweats, Viviana walked up to him, taking them from him.

"You don't need those.." She said, softly, smirking at him.

Christian rose an eyebrow at her, "Oh? Why's that?"

She bit her lip, pulling him to the bed before she pulled her shirt off, tossing it off to the side, "I figured we better get as much in as we can before it becomes nearly impossible to actually enjoy sex."

"We did it all the time when you were pregnant with Eiley. So no problem with that," Christian said as he kissed her, laying her back on the bed.

Viviana pulled back, looking at him, "I know, but I want us both to be comfortable, and a belly in the way isn't cute or sexy." She said, as he rested a hand next to her head to keep himself up.

"We'll figure it out, we got time.." He told her before kissing her again, this time with more passion.

She moaned as his tongue ran across hers, her hands moving to latch into his hair, tugging slightly on his curls. Christian's hands were roaming her petite body, one that didn't even show a bump yet, admiring every inch of skin.

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora