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The World Series.

Christian couldn't believe this was finally happening. It was something he dreamed of doing. He wanted to make his team proud and his family proud. 

He finished getting his stuff together at home and went to check on the kids. "You guys ready to watch some baseball?" He smiled at his daughters, picking Adelaide up, "What about you, baby girl? You ready to watch daddy win the World Series?"

Adelaide giggled, putting her hands on Christian's cheeks. "Ya!" 

Christian smiled, kissing her cheek, "That's my girl." He looked over at Eiley, "What about you, Eiley girl?"

"I am excited, daddy! You gonna hit home run!" She smiled at him, "I got a new shirt!" 

"I see that! I love it!" He set Adelaide down and fixed her headband. "Where's your momma?"

"She in the bathroom." Eiley replied and Christian nodded, going into the bathroom smiling at Viviana, wrapping his arms around her from behind, "You look beautiful, damn." He kissed her neck lightly, "I got an amazing looking wife." 

Viviana blushed, "Oh, stop it." She looked back at him, "Are you excited for today?" 

He nodded, "I am ready. Nervous, but ready."

She turned around, "You're gonna do great. No matter what happens, I am so proud of you and I'm proud that you got it this far." She kissed his lips, "You are amazing, and I just know that things are going to be great." 

"I got my family there, and that's all that matters." He replied and grazed his thumb across her cheek. "I just don't want to do anything stupid." 

Viviana shook her head, "Nah you're going to hit homers and you're gonna be MVP of the entire World Series." She smiled at him, "You're gonna do amazing things." 


The family arrived at the ballpark. Thankfully the first couple of games were in Milwaukee before they would go to Boston to play at Fenway Park. As much as they loved traveling, it was difficult with three kids all under the age of five.

"We're just gonna go to the family suite right away, babe. I'm sure you guys are going to have a lot of press to do before the game," Viviana told Christian. "So, good luck. I love you very much." She smiled at him and kissed him gently.

He kissed her back, then pulled away moments later. "I'll see you later, babe. I love you too." He crouched down and hugged both Eiley and Sawyer, "You two better cheer so loud! I wanna hear you from the stands." Christian smiled at them then went over by the stroller and kissed Adelaide's forehead, "You be good for momma, okay? And cheer super loud for daddy!" He smiled at her and kissed her forehead again.

Vivi walked away with the kids and Christian went into the clubhouse, setting his things down and started to get ready for batting practice. Viviana wasn't wrong about the press; there were so many representatives from different media outlets just wanting to talk to the guys on the team, Christian being their top pick. He expected this, but he always dreaded it because he knew it would take ages to get through.

Finally, after an hour, he was done talking to everyone after he just cut them off so he could continue to get ready and finally go take batting practice. He needed to get himself in the zone before he would even think about playing a game. Christian was beyond nervous for this series. He didn't want to fuck up, he wanted to make everyone proud.

When he walked out on the field, he carried both of his bats and his glove on top of his hat. "Alright, who's ready to kick ass today?" He asked, chuckling.

"About time you got here! Media keep you back?" Lo asked, walking up to him.

Christian rolled his eyes and nodded, "Oh yeah. They wouldn't shut up," he said and shook his head, "Asking so many questions and people were repeating shit and whatnot and it was just like, listen to what I said to the last guy that just asked the exact same question..." He sighed, "I couldn't even spend time with my family because the moment I walk in the clubhouse, I'm bombarded by media." 

Lo sighed, "Sorry, dude. But hey, at least they're all here ready to cheer you on. You ready?"

"Eh. I'm nervous, but I mean, it's the World Series, I'm sure you got nervous the last time you were in it." Christian replied.

"I even got nervous in 2018 when we were so close to getting there! I think it's just the pressure, but, I know you'll do great, you're Christian Yelich, for pete's sake." Lorenzo laughed, patting Christian on the back. "Here, let's go take some BP."

Christian nodded, grabbing his things and headed over to the cages.


They had won game one. Christian hit two home-runs and helped drive in three. He was feeling good about himself, and the nerves weren't there anymore. He was amp'd up.

Viviana came up to Christian and smiled big, "You looked so good!!" She jumped on him, wrapping her arms and legs around him. She kissed his cheek and looked at him, "Baby, you were awesome out there."

Christian smiled at her, holding her legs. "Thank you, babe. Where are the kids?" 

Christian's mother, Alecia walked not too far behind Viviana with the kids. 

His eyes widened, "Mom? You said you weren't coming until at least game 5!" He smiled, setting Viviana down and went over by her and hugged her tightly. "Holy shit, hi." 

She chuckled, "Viv and I worked some things out so I could come a little earlier and I'm definitely glad I didn't miss this game!" She hugged him back, "Good job tonight!"

"Thank you! My night is great now." Christian smiled, looking over at Vivi, "I can't believe you kept this from me!" He chuckled.

Viviana smiled at Christian, "I wanted to surprise you!"

"You are great," Christian hugged Viviana and kissed the top of her head. "Ready to get home? Where are you staying, mom?"

Alecia smiled, "The guest room at your place," She laughed, "If that's okay with you! The kiddos and Vivi are fine with it.."

Christian nodded, "No, I was gonna ask you to stay there anyways! That's why we have the guest bedroom!" He told her, picking up Sawyer. "Ready to go, bud?"

Sawyer nodded, yawning, "I tired, daddy.." 

"Me too, buddy. But, once we get home, we can get our jammies on and call it a night." Christian said, kissing the top of Sawyer's head.

He grabbed his things and walked out to the car with Viviana, the kids, and his mom. This was possibly the best surprise he could've ever asked for. He was glad his mother was in town, he needed his family here, in all honesty. 

When they all got back to the house, Christian got the kiddos ready for bed and then went into the living room to see Viviana and Alecia sitting in the living room talking. 

"Making conversation without me?" Christian asked, chuckling.

Viviana looked back at Christian and smiled, "Of course not, babe. Just waiting for you to come back." she replied, "Kids get to bed alright?"

He nodded, "Yeah, usually do. Sawyer was practically falling asleep while I was getting his pajamas on him," he laughed.

"He looks so much like you, C, it's crazy." Alecia told him, "He reminds me so much of you when you were that age." 

"Yeah, I see a lot of me in him. He's got similar mannerisms, it's almost creepy," Christian replied, "But I see it too with Eiley and Vivi. She's a lot like Viviana and it's almost scary how similar they are." 

Vivi laughed, "She definitely gets her diva side from me, that's for sure." she shrugged, "I'm not complaining though, I think it's kind of cute." 

The three of them talked for a little while before they called it a night. After a great day like today, they all were going to sleep great and prep themselves for another great day tomorrow.

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