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"Vivi," Christian said, shaking her lightly, "It's like eleven in the morning, and I have to be at the ballpark in two hours, I would like for you to be up.." He told his wife as she rolled onto her other side, groaning.

"No, five more minutes.." She said, putting the pillow over her head. Viviana hadn't slept well after the game last night and didn't really know why. It was a constant tossing and turning situation, pacing back and forth from checking on her two beautiful kids, to trying to lay back down and cuddle up with her husband.

Christian sighed, "You have to get up at some point, babe." He tells her, crawling in bed next to her, moving the pillow.

Viviana looked at him tiredly, "How are you so chipper?" She asks, pulling the blanket up to her chin. "I slept so bad last night.." She said with a whine, turning away from him.

"Hey, I'm sorry I woke you then.." Christian frowned, "Baby, look at me."

Viviana turned and faced him again. He kissed her forehead lightly then her soft lips.

"My mom's going to the game today, so I can have her bring the kiddos and you can just come for game time if you want to sleep a little bit.." Christian suggested and Viviana nodded.

"I would like that.." She said quietly, looking at Christian, "I don't know why I couldn't sleep, I just tossed and turned and couldn't stay asleep for more than an hour at a time.." She explained to him as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to him.

He nodded, "I'll cuddle you for a little bit but then I'll have to get going." He told her as he rubbed her side.

"Thank you.." She whispered, kissing his cheek lightly. "You're really warm.."

Christian chuckled, "Yeah? Glad I can be a personal space heater. Also, what do you think about a little date night tomorrow? My game's during the day so I figured we could go to dinner, and my mom said she would love to watch the kiddos for a bit. My cousin Eliza is coming over tomorrow so she'll be excited to see Sawyer and Eiley," He explained to Vivi who just nodded,

"I think that would be nice," She said with a sleepy smile. "We haven't had a date night in a while."

"Exactly, which is why I suggested it," He smiled at her. "I got some good places we can go to. Or, we can do a little trip down memory lane and go to our favorite date night spot."

Viviana nodded, "Let's do that. We haven't been there in a while.." She said, laying her head on his shoulder, "That'll be so nice.."

She was asleep again within the hour and Christian carefully moved out of bed and walked into the living room where Alecia was with the kids.

"Hey, mom? You think you can bring the kiddos with you to the ballpark? Viviana didn't sleep well last night and is extremely tired. She's still gonna come, but she's not gonna come to pregame stuff."

Alecia nodded, looking over at Christian, "Of course, hon. I was up at like midnight last night after you all went to sleep and I saw her walk to check on Sawyer and Eiley a couple of times, I didn't know if she was just really anxious? Or what, but yes of course I will take the kiddos with me."

Eiley looked at Christian, "Where momma?"

"Momma's sleeping. She didn't really get a lot of sleep last night, bug. She's still gonna come to the game, though!" Christian told Eiley as he went to go sit by them. He smiled when he saw Sawyer in his bouncing chair, bouncing like crazy and giggling when Christian went to sit by him. "Hey, little man!" He took him out of the chair and kissed his forehead.

Alecia smiled, "You are such an amazing father, Christian. I seriously am so proud of you," She told her son, watching how Christian just made his son smile so big and giggle like crazy.

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now