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Christian And Viviana were finally going to find out the gender of their baby; Christian had been waiting for this day since he found out Viviana was pregnant. He wanted more than anything for Viviana to have a girl; To take care of two beautiful ladies, his queen and his princess. Sure, a boy would be amazing to have as well, could start raising him as a mini Christian, but, Christian wanted to have a girl first, to show her what true love really was so she could look for that when she got older.


"There's the perfect little baby." The tech said, the beautiful sound of the heartbeat filling the room.

Vivi couldn't help but smile, giving Christian's hand a slight squeeze, "That's our baby, and their heartbeat.." She dreamed of this day, something that she always wanted to do was be in the doctor's office with the love of her life, finding out the gender of their child.

"Wow.." Christian whispered, tears rolling down his cheeks, "Our baby.."

"Everything is looking amazing for the baby and momma. Right on track for growth and development, the right weight, heartrate is normal." The tech smiled at the couple, handing a photo of the ultrasound to Christian.

"Thank you so much..." He said, smiling over at Viviana and kissed her. "You are so beautiful," He whispered, kissing her several times just overwhelmed with emotions. He loved her beyond words, everything was coming full circle and he felt like himself again with Viviana.

"Thank you for being there for me.." Vivi whispered to Christian as she kissed his hand, "I don't know what I would do without you through this.."

"I am always going to be there for you.." Christian said, then looked over at the tech, "Are we able to find out the gender...?" He asked, looking at Vivi before he brought his attention to the tech again.

"Oh, of course! Didn't know if you two were wanting to do that yet. Typically couples like to wait, or they like to find it out, but have the gender given to them in an envelope so they could do some type of reveal." She said, laughing, "I think it's awesome you two waited so long, honestly. The last couple of expecting mothers wanted to know what they were having the moment they could get a blood test done."

She moved the probe back around on Viviana's stomach, looking to find the baby's gender. "Well, it looks like you two will be having a beautiful baby girl. Congratulations! Did you want that printed out for record keeping?"

Christian's eyes welled up with tears again, looking at the screen as the tech revealed the gender, "A girl...?" He looked at Vivi who was crying and kissed her. "A little princess.." He said, wiping under Vivi's eyes. "And yes, we would love that." He told the tech as she nodded, walking out to go get the paper.

"A baby girl, Christian..." Vivi said as she kissed him again. "Look at her, I bet she's going to have your cute smile." She giggled, looking at him.

"Nah, she's definitely going to be beautiful just like her momma." Christian said, running his fingers through her hair and helped Viviana sit up. "I'm so happy with that news."

"She's going to be so spoiled.." She said with a laugh. Viviana couldn't wait to welcome their baby girl; That baby was going to be so loved by her and Christian. She couldn't wait to share with everyone the news, everyone was going to be thrilled.

"She definitely is going to be treated like the princess she is.."


Christian walked into the team locker room later that night, unable to wipe the smile off of his face. His beautiful girlfriend was expecting a baby girl, something he had hoped for. He couldn't wait to tell his teammates the news.

losin control; c. yelich. ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin