Chapter Two

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Chapter 2:
A Motive.

Yuzu's POV:

I woke up to bright lights flashing at my face. Click. I heard a faint voice calling to me. Click. Where was I? I could feel the damp grass still underneath me. My own clothes felt damp. It must of rained while I fainted. Seriously? How can this day get any worse?

"Ma'am, are you okay?" The voice called out to me. Very politely, I must say.

"I just have a few bruises, but overall, I'm fine. How are you? And if I'm not being impolite, who are you?" I asked curiously.

"I'm great, thank you, my name is Yuno, Imspector Yuno." He quickly stated, looking weirdly at me.

AN INSPECTOR? Why on EARTH would an inspector find me? And why is he talking to me while I'm still here? AND WHERE IS THAT PICKPOCKET!?!?

"Sorry if I'm interrupting your thoughts but, you have to come with me to the police station" He said, which literally interrupted my thoughts"

"Why must I go? I don't understand, I just woke up after fainting!" I asked confused.

"Guards, take her!" He shouted. He sure is demanding.

As a way of contrasting his authoritative tone, I said "I can walk myself, kid"

He responded by saying "Don't kid me, I'm a 24 year old man, excuse me! You look like a sixteen year old child!"

"EXCUSE ME! I am also 24 years old! My youthful looks are impeccable" I shouted at him, frustrated by the fact he doesn't understand my beauty. This man has no respect for me, I must say. After an hour of arguing, we finally ended up at the police station. I still don't know why I'm here?! I was rudly pushed into the cell and was FORCED to sit down in their prickly seat that just screamed "PAIN".

"Why were you at the crime scene?" He began, his authoritative tone sneaking back in.

"I woke up after fainting and saw you" I truthfully said.

"Why were you there?" He asked.

"Well, a boy stole my money so I ran after him to get it back. Then I felt dizzy and fainted" I responded.

"Did he look like this?" He said while showing me a picture of the exact boy who stole my money.

Instantly recognising him, I shouted "THAT'S HIM! I'm gonna punch him in the face the next time I see him! Wait, why do you have his picture?"

"Hmmm... a clear motive. You see, this young boy here went missing a few days ago, and we suspect you kidnapped him." He said, confusing me.

"Wait, are you thinking I did it? I DIDN'T DO IT!! WHY ARE YOU BLAMING ME?!?!? I DIDN'T DO IT-" I shouted, my voice going a pitch higher with each sentence.

"JUST SHUT UP. Now, if you want to get yourself free of suspicion, you've got to do something for me." He  shouted, his voice making me shiver.

"W-What is it?" I stuttered, still shaking after his loud shout. Little did I know this was the beginning of everything...

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