The End!

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The End!

-Author's Note-

Sadly, this is the end of Midnight Café. I hope you enjoyed the whole series. I really enjoyed making the storyline and everything from the book cover to the extras which you can see soon. Thank you to my great friends Richelle182, AreumBangtan0128, ImperfectSpatula for supporting me and giving me ideas for the series. Also, thank you to you all who actually read my book. I really appreciate it.

Anyways, to finish this series, I thought it would be nice to add a few extra scenarios that could happen. Also, there might (and I say might) be another season where Yuzu comes back but for now, Midnight Café is finished. I want to work on my other series and at least have another finished before I work on another season for Midnight Café. While you wait for another season, check out my other stories!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ – ✧)

Hope you enjoy these small scenarios! Have a good day!

(Author's POV in all of the scenarios)

Scenario 1:
Aono scene (Aoi + Yuno)

"I can't believe Yuzu has left us now... I guess my friend, we have to do it..." Yuno sobbed.

"I guess we do..." Aoi cried as he hugged Yuno.

"Why are we doing this to ourselves?" Yuno asked Aoi.

"We must become the best of friends. To make our Yuzu proud!" Aoi looked to the sky.

"Yes! But why does this feel like Romeo and Juliet? Like she had to leave for us to become friends." Yuno also started to look at the sky.

"Well, at least she didn't die" Aoi quietly said to himself.

"WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT? I'M CRYING AGAIN!" Yuno put his head on Aoi's shoulder.

"It's okay, we'll see her again, one day" Aoi softly replied.

Scenario 2:
If the characters switched personalities.

Yuzu -> Yuno -> Aoi -> Yui -> Yohan -> Yuzu

"Your outfit looks terrible, Yuzu." Yohan bluntly said.

"EXCUSE ME, this is Gucci. You know that expensive brand. I'm an expensive girl!(AreumBangtan0128)" Yuzu exclaimed.

"G-Guys, no fighting!" Yui shouted, making sure his voice wasn't too loud.

"Hey Yuzu, can I have a drink?" Aoi asked.

"Ask Yuno, not me." Yuzu coldly replied.

"Yuno, can I have a drink?" Aoi asked.

"Sure, what do you want?" Yuno replied.

Thinking about it in his head, he responded "Actually, never mind."

Final Scenario:
Lucas and Author chatting. (This is fake)

"So, Author shuppshupp, I know you've been busy writing series but I have a question" Lucas looked at the floor.

"Yeah sure, what is it?" I asked.

"Why does Aoi hate you so much?" Lucas looked at the screen.

"Oh, that. He only hates me because wherever he goes, he'll always be a second lead. I love him though. He is a great character." I replied.

"But what about me?" Lucas asked.

"Bruh, you're asking me? Just to let you know, you're my bias in WayV." I responded.

"What about NctU?" He asked.

"Sorry Mark took that" He looked at me angrily.

"Very unfair, how can you not fall for my handsomeness! I even fall in love with myself" He exclaimed.

"Whatever" I said.

-End of Scenarios-

Again, thank you for reading up till now! Hope to see you again soon! Bye~

-Author shuppshupp

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