Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11:

"GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!!!" Nanami shouted, running away from Misty.

I looked down to see Misty, purring at her foot. Is she scared of cats? Pffft, Misty is adorable, how can you get scared of her?

"Yuzu, get that horrible thing away from me right now!" She demanded while I was laughing.

"You're scared of cats, aren't you? Scaredy-cat!" I said.

"IT'S NOT FUNNY!!!! IT'S LITERALLY LICKING MY FOOT!!!! Ewwwwww! And it's staring at me! Creepy!" She shouted in disgust.

"That's what Misty does when she likes you." I responded.

"Just get her away from me!" She shouted but this time, even louder than the last.

I carried Misty to her play area. Jeez, why is this girl so scared of her? She's literally a baby! She can't do anything except scratch her but she likes her so she wouldn't do that.

"Well then, you should get ready for work." I said, trying to sound as formal as possible.

"Yes manager!" She responded brightly.

I changed my clothes and walked down the stairs. Man, these stairs are creeky, I should replace them. Just a when I thought that, clusmy ol' me tripped up on a step. I closed my eyes, awaiting for the pain and suffering ahead. In contrast, I fell into the arms of someone.

"Manager, are you alright?" The voice said. I opened my eyes to see Aoi holding me.

"Yep I'm fine." I responded while dusting myself.

"Phew, I thought you would get hurt. By the way, who was screaming upstairs and why? Is it a new case? Did someone get murdered?" He asked, curious.

"Hold your horses, it was just Nanami getting scared by Misty. Who gets scared by Misty? That's almost impossible!" I answered him.

Even more curious by the fact I said Misty, he asked "Who's Misty? Your secret lover? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone!"

"Misty is my cat. Do you think I have time to have a lover?" I responded, harshly.

"Well, you did have the time to eat out and make a nickname for Yuno..." He quietly muttered.

After hearing what he said, I responded "Hey, that was because he was annoying me so I decided to call him something to annoy him."

"He doesn't look too annoyed whenever you say it though." He looked towards the floor.

"Wait, when have you heard me say it?" I asked, confused. I'm pretty sure I never said it around him...

"Literally yesterday." And I was hit with the flashbacks. Why did I do this to myself?

"That's because we were in serious mode." I responded, cringing inside.

"Yeah yeah I don't believe you. Who uses nicknames when they're stressed out? It just doesn't make sense." He responded, annoyed at me. Like who wouldn't?

Suddenly, someone rushed into the café. They seems as if they were in a rush to come here. Or in a rush to say something.

"Inspector Yuno is in the hospital!" The person shouted, out of breath.

"WHAT?!?!?!?" Me and Aoi shouted simultaneously.

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