Chapter Three

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Chapter 3:
5 Days.

"I am giving you 5 days to find proof that you didn't kidnap him and then I will let you go." He stated, making me confused. How can I solve a case?

"5 DAYS?!?! Ridiculous. " I shouted while rolling my eyes , thinking that this was absolutely ridiculous for an inspector to say.

"From my sources, you used to be a successful detective. It should be easy for someone like you." He smartly answered. This guy...

"Annoying idiot." I muttered under my breath, hoping he wouldn't hear.

"What did you say, Ma'am? I'm an annoying idiot? I should make sure this goes on news as defamation." He slyly said, knowing it would make me worried.

"Firstly, stop calling me Ma'am, my name is Yuzu, secondly, you have to make sure this doesn't go onto the news as I don't want my bakery to fail." I said, frustrated with him.

"I agree to your condition, Yuzu. Well then, you better start finding evidence." He said while
signalling me to leave.

I hurried out of the station. Jeez, this guy is so annoying. I quickly ran to my café. I dashed up the creaky steps to my apartment above it and slamed the door shut. 5 days to get evidence? This guy is crazy. I walked over to my bedroom and decided to go to sleep. Phew, today is  finally over. This perfect city is seriously not at all perfect. I managed to do so many things that were just imperfect. Argh, I just need some rest and I'll be okay.

Well if I can even get some.

My neighbors were ridiculous loud, playing some music on a speaker which was right next to the wall of my room. Sadly, it wasn't a song that I could easily fall asleep with. The song kept repeating on and on, making me angry. When they finally stopped, I quickly turned off my lights and went to bed. By the music's loudness, it reduced the amount of hours I had of sleep by 50%. Absolutely fabulous.

-The Next Day-

I woke up to the bell ringing of the café door. Who is it now? I'm pretty sure it says closed on the door. I quickly changed my clothes and hurried down the steps. Argh, I forgot to do my shower. Let me just do it. Whoever came just ruined my beauty sleep and my morning. And you know what that means, a sour mood for the rest of the day! Great. Another great start for today!

I peered into the seating area, droplets of water falling from my hair that was tied with a towel. I couldn't see well from my area which made me even more frustrated. I angrily marched to the seating area. I looked to my left. No one. I looked to my right. I couldn't believe my eyes! Tears started dripping. I could feel myself start to have flashbacks instantly. It was a dream come true. It was...

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