Season 2 - Chapter Ten (Final)

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Chapter 10:

-The Next Day-

Today was my final day in Evermore. I could feel myself being overwhelmed with emotions. As much as I wanted to stay, I knew that leaving would be the best choice for me. I woke up out of bed, feeling emotional. Why do I have to leave today? I became so emotionally attached to this place that I can't leave.

I changed my clothes and walked downstairs. I could see everyone staring at me. Looking at them made me want to cry. I didn't want to leave them yet. Flashbacks from all of the time we spent together came into my mind.

How much I loved those times...

While I was lost in my thoughts, I ended up tripping on a step. I thought I would just fall to the floor in pain. I shut my eyes, bracing myself . I expected a harsh fall. To my surprise, Yohan ended up catching me. This reminds me of before, instead Aoi caught me. I laughed at the thought my clumsiness. I guess I can't help it.

"Wait, are you laughing at me? That's not nice sis!" Yohan looked at me, pouting.

"I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at how, after all these months, I'm still this clumsy" Yohan started to laugh with me.

"I guess you'll always be like that. It's your signature characteristic!" Yuno said.

"Like my handsomeness!" Lucas boasted.

Everyone stared at Lucas, who continued to stare at his "beautiful" face. He couldn't stop admiring it, even if it meant that everyone else left him. I walked out of the café, looking at the city. It's been a long time since I just appreciated the scenery. While we were walking, I remembered all of the memories I experienced. From the hospital where that horrible dream happened, to the area where this all began. I could feel a few tears escaping my eyes.

"Don't cry, you'll make me cry!" Yui said, almost about to cry.

I laughed at his response. He sure is the still Yuno I used to know. After walking around, we made it to the train station. It was time for me to leave them.

Heavy-hearted, me and Yohan started to walk towards the train. We could see everyone behind us, smiling at us. They all shouted goodbye to us. We were at the door of the train. Yohan went in and put our luggages in. I looked back on last time. I could see everyone crying, including Yuno, which I didn't expect. Reluctantly, I stepped into the train, sitting down on the seat nearest to the window. I looked at them one last time before waving at them. The train started to move.

"Goodbye everyone! Hope to see you again in a few months!" Me and Yohan shouted.

"We can't wait to see you again! Stay safe and look after yourself!" They shouted back, wiping their tears.

And then we were off. Off on another adventure in a new town. I wonder what life holds for us here?

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