Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15:
A Prank!

Yuno's POV:

We rushed into the hospital. Wow, I've never seen her so worried before. I'm jealous. She probably wasn't like this with me. Lucas walked behind us, carefully watching us. Man, why was he acting so weird. He never acted like this when he was younger. My cousin has grown up so much...

"Here's a tissue." Lucas passed me a tissue, randomly.

Confused, I asked "Why do I need it? Do I look like I have a cold?"

"Because it looks like you're crying for attention..." He responded. That really did catch me off guard.

"HEY, DON'T TRY TO OUTWIT ME!" I shouted at him, hoping that would somehow teach him a lesson.

"Just did." He replied while grinning.

"You- You're so handsome man!" I cut myself off before Yuzu could enter so she wouldn't shout at me.

"I already knew that but, thanks for the compliment." He look at Yuzu while smiling. What is that guy up to now?

"You are quite handsome, I must admit..." She started to do that "cute" giggle thing that girls do when they see their crush. Disgusting.

"And you're quite cute~" He leaned in closer towards her. No...

She leaned in even more closer and asked " Am I?"

HOW DARE HE DO THIS TO ME! I had to do something, quick, quick me think! I pushed Lucas just as he was about to kiss her and replaced him. I felt her lips on mine. Why did it actually feel nice? WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST DO??!?!?!? She pulled away and punched me in the face. I stood up, rubbing my cheek from the immense pain I felt. She tried to help me but she ended up making my face sting for longer. I could feel my face turning red from the embarrassment I just caused. Her face was also red. I could see that Lucas was laughing at both of us from what we had done.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!? I WAS PRANKING YOU IDIOT!!! you took my first kiss!" She pouted, making me feel regretful.

"S-sorry I-I-" The words couldn't get out of my mouth...

"What happened to you? You're all red..." Lucas asked while breaking into laughter.

"That was m-my f-first k-kiss too..." I quietly responded.

"Wow, I never would expect that. Such an egoistic man hasn't had his first kiss yet... such a loser..." She sighed.

"HEY DON'T SAY THAT!!!" I shouted, annoyed at them both.

"Now we've got him back" Lucas sat down, trying to stop himself from laughing too hard.

"This matter stays between us three, okay?" I asked them, worried.

"Yeah sure. Hey Yuno, I have 2 things to tell you." She replied, winking at me. What happened to her now? She's become so confident after 5 minutes.

"What is it?" I responded, curious as to what she was about say.

She decided to whisper it into my ear "1.) I enjoyed that and 2.)...."

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