Wedding Bells

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6 months later

Today's Melo and I's wedding day. Tori is the maid of honor and Lia, Jaden, and Rory are bridesmaids. Ben and Antonio are ring bearers and Zoey is a flower girl. Two months ago Rory and Don has a beautiful baby girl, Royle Jeanne Davis. Her and Don also got married.


The lady had just finished my makeup and all I needed to do was put on my dress and take my hair out of the rollers.

I slid my dress on before Tori walked back in and helped me zip it up

I slid my dress on before Tori walked back in and helped me zip it up

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"Okay, c'mon girls" Tori said as I took my last roller out

"I can't believe you're about to get married" Lia said

"Right, this is so weird. I feel like everyone's lives are getting so busy and interesting" Kylie said

"We getting old, ion like dat" Jaden said

"Okay, you have to stop here. I love you sis, I'm so glad you're marrying Melo. Don't trip" Tori said as she gave me a big hug and walked towards the groomsmen with the rest of the girls before their music started and they started walking out. Papa walked up to me and gave me a big hug

"I can not believe you are about to get married" he said as his eyes got teary

"T'est sur le point de pleurir" I asked as I laughed (Are you about to cry)

"pas du tout. Mes yeux transpirent" he said. I laughed a little before the wedding planner walked up to us (Of course not. My eyes are just sweating)

"Alright, you're on" the wedding planner said as she handed me my bouquet and walked us towards the area where you lined up before walking down the aisle. I took a deep breathe before linking arms with Papa.

The music started and Papa and I began walking down the aisle. I looked up, seeing Melo staring back at me with a big grin on his face. I smiled back at him as I reached him. My dad let go of me and handed my over to Melo

"Take care of her" Papa said before going to his seat. Melo grabbed my hands and looked me in the eyes

"You look sexy" he whispered

"Thank you Pookie" I said. Melo winked at me and smiled

"We are gathered here today.....

Skip to the reception

I changed into this for the reception

"Please welcome our new married couple to the floor for their first dance" the DJ said as everyone began to cheer

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"Please welcome our new married couple to the floor for their first dance" the DJ said as everyone began to cheer. Melo grabbed my hand and lead me to the dance floor. Once we reached the middle of the room "La Vie en Rose" by Edith Piaf started playing

"I can't believe I let you pick this song" Melo said as we danced. I chuckled

"It's a good song, it's just slow. I promise this is the only slow song on the list" I said as I rested my head on his chest

"You better hope" he said as he kissed the top of my head. We danced until the song ended and then everyone came onto the dance floor as an upbeat song came on.

2 hours later

"You ready to cut the cake" Melo asked me

"Sure" I said. I went to give Ben to Josh but he didn't let me go

"You wanna cut the cake with us" I asked Ben. Ben got excited and smiled at me

"Bet" I placed Ben on my hip and walked over to the cake table with Melo. The photographer came over and took pictures of us by the cake before we picked up the knife and cut a slice. Melo and I both picked up a piece to feed each other

"You smash that shit on my face and I'll beat yo ass" I warned. Melo laughed

"I'm not finna do you like dat" he said. We both feed each other a piece and I kinda smudged it on his face

"How come you could do it" he asked

"Cuz I'm just like that" I said. I went to feed a piece to Ben but he turned his head away and looked at Melo and opened his mouth. Melo laughed and picked up a piece to feed to Ben

"You so mean to me Benny" I said as I wiped my hands off and handed Ben to Melo

"Who's your favorite" Melo asked Ben. Ben looked between Melo and I

"Mama" Ben said as he giggled at me

"Yea, you know what the fu- frick is up" I said to Ben


"All the single ladies, please come to the floor for the bouquet toss" the DJ said. I got up from my chair and picked up my bouquet as I walked to the floor. On the floor was Jaden, Kylie, Lia, Tori, Denise, and a few of my family members and friends.

"Don't be acting like no damn fools" I said jokingly before turning around

"1...2...3..." I said before throwing the bouquet. As I turned around I heard squeals and screeches before my eyes landed on Tori with the bouquet

"Hell nah Ion want this shit" Tori said before throwing it to Jaden. I laughed as they all played hot potato with the bouquet

The rest of the night went great. Melo and I had so much fun dancing and partying with friends and family. Ben went home with Josh and Melo and I stayed at a hotel.

A/N: mkay, so ik this chapter was short and im very sorry but i didn't know wtf to write. im gonna updating more often now so just be ready for that. thanks for reading, hope yall enjoyed

xoxo, Anna-Maria

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