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2 weeks later (Harmony's 5 months)

"OH, OH I do it" Ben said

"Do what" I asked

"Hm" Ben hummed as he picked up my makeup bag

"You wanna do my makeup" I asked. Ben nodded his head. I sat down in my vanity chair and took out the makeup for him

"This" he asked as he lifted up my false lashes

"Do those last" I said. I handed him my primer

"Wait wash your hands first bubba" I said. Ben ran over to the counter and washed his hands before running back over to me and climbing onto the vanity

"Put it on here" Ben asked as he tried to put primer on a brush

"No, put it on your hands and then rub it in" I said. Ben smiled and applied it to my face

"Put fou-"

"Shh! Lemme do" Ben said as he picked up my foundation and a beauty blender. He put little dots of foundation all over my face before beating my face

"Ow, be gentle baby" I said. This boy was punching me in my shit

"Sorry, sorry" he said. I tried to look at myself in the mirror but Ben grabbed my face and directed it back to him

"Eyes on me" he said blending out my foundation

"Like this" Ben showed me his eyes closed. I laughed and closed my eyes as he started applying eyeshadow. When I tell you this boy has a heavy hand, I mean this dude almost clawed my eyes out

"Be gentle" I reminded. Ben went a little bit lighter and rubbed eyeshadow all in my eyebrows and under my eyes. I tried to open one eye before he put his hands over my eyes

"SHHHHH, keep it closed" he said before removing his hands. I laughed and remembered to keep my eyes closed until he was down with the eyeshadow

"Your so pretty" Ben gave me a kiss on the cheek before picking up eyeliner and doing a lil evil giggle/cackle thing


"SHH, don't move" Ben said. He opened the liner and began drawing all over my face

"What this" he asked as he picked up a long tube

"Mascara, that goes on mommy's eyelashes" I said. Ben tried applying the mascara, almost took my eye out, and somehow it ended up in my hairline

"Go like" Ben puckered his lips. I mimicked his action and Ben gave me a kiss before applying lipstick. He leaned back and observed his work before smiling

"Boodiful" he said

"What this" he asked as he picked up tweezers

"To pluck mommy's eyebrows" I said. Ben tried to tweeze my eyebrows before I moved my head

"No, no, my eyebrows don't need to be tweezed right now. I'll let you help next time" I said

"Oh. ALL DONE" Ben yelled. I looked in the mirror at the mess on my face

"Aw, so pretty. Thank you Bibo" I gave him a hug and kiss and brought him downstairs

"What happened to yo face" Melo asked

"Mmmmm" Harmony cooed as she reached for me

"Hi Jellybean" I said as I grabbed her from Melo

"Do you have work today" Melo asked. I shook my head no

"Oh... Me neither" Melo made an awkward face and stared at me as I smiled and talked to Harmony. I walked to Hazel's dog room and let her out to use the bathroom. Melo poured some dog food in her bowl and sat next to me at the island

Love of my life - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now