Hospital Visits

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"Mommy can I hold B" Ben asked

"Yea, be careful" I said as I gently handed her to him. I walked over to Hazel and let her outside

"I wanna go outside" Ben said as he dropped Harmony and ran after Hazel

"BENJAMIN" I yelled as I ran over and picked up Harmony as she cried. We have marble flooring so seeing her fall was terrifying

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Jellybean" I said as I examined her head

"I'm so sorry" I repeated as I kissed her head and put on shoes

"Benjamin get in here" I said as I ushered him and Hazel inside

"Go put shoes on" I told Ben as I put Hazel in her dog room

"Where we go" Ben asked as he looked at Harmony crying

"To the hospital. You just dropped her on her head Benjamin" I said

"Sorry. I didn't mean to" he said

"Okay, can you please go put your shoes on" I said

Ben put on shoes before we walked to the garage

~Calling Pookie💖~

"Hi mamas. I'm b- What's wrong" Melo asked as he heard me sniffling and Harmony crying

"Harmony hit her head on the marble floor so I'm bringing her to the hospital right now. She hasn't stopped crying" I said

"I'm bout to catch a flight home" Melo said

"Call me when you get here. Ask Eli to pick you up" I said before hanging up


We've deadass been sitting in the waiting room for like 5 minutes and there's already people coming up and getting in my personal space. Mind you, Harmony still hasn't stopped crying and people are just flashing cameras and shit

"Ma'am you can come back to a private room" a nurse said as she lead us to a room

"I'm so sorry about that" she said

"It's whatever" I said. I rubbed Harmony's back and tried to soothe her

"Mommy I hold her" Ben said

"No, not right now" I said. Ben kissed Harmony on the head and pet her head

"Sorry, B" Ben said

"Hi I'm Dr. Robbins" she said as she walked in the room

"Hey, I'm Maribel" I said

"And I'm guessing this is Harmony" she asked as she looked down at her

"Yea" I said

"May I" she asked as she held out her arms to pick up Harmony. I went to give hand her over but Harmony wouldn't let go of my shirt

"Aw, she loves her mama. Okay, well lemme just look" Dr. Robbins looked at her head and did some medical stuff

"So, she has a mild concu-" the door swung open an Melo walked in

"Hi, sorry" Melo said as he walked over to me and kissed Harmony

"Hi. Okay, Harmony has a mild concussion. She should recover in about a week or two. No screen time, very little light exposure, quiet surroundings. Just keep her under close surveillance for 24-48 hours. We're gonna give her Tylenol to help with pain. She should stop crying soon" Dr. Robbins said

"Thank you" I shook hands with her and got up

"C'mon Peanut" Melo said as he went to pick up Ben

"No, I walk Melo" Ben sai- Melo? Well damn, he really took that talk personally yesterday

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