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1 month later

"Congratulations! You're about 1 month pregnant" the doctor said. I took a deep breather, trying to calm myself. Tori grabbed my hand

"It's gonna be alright" she said

"I know, it's just... Ugh, it's gonna be so complicated. I mean Josh is all the way in Europe" I said

"When does he come back" she asked

"Ughhh.. like in 3 months or so he comes back for a week and then leaves again" I said

"Oh. So maybe he'll come back for the baby's birth" Tori asked

"Maybe. But I mean once the baby's old enough we can start like travelling with him or like letting him take the baby to Europe with him" I said

"You gonna let your child fly without you" she asked shocked

"I mean he or she will be with their dad. It's not like I'm letting them go with a complete stranger. I mean I guess we'll see when the time comes. First I gotta tell Josh" I said

"When do you plan on telling him" Tori asked as we walked to the car

"Uhh... Idk? Now" I said hesitantly

"You're not scared" she asked

"Uhh.. No? I mean the worst he could do is say he don't wanna be in the baby's life" I said

"Riri, that's bad" she said

"Gurl stop, you're making me nervous" I said as I facetimed Josh

"Hey Riri" Josh said as he answered the phone

"Hey Joshy, how's Europe" I asked

"It's good! How are you doing" he asked

"Uhh... Good I guess. I have some news for you. I don't know if it's bad or good. I mean I think it's good for me, I don't know what you're gonna think" I said

"Just tell me" he said

"Ok. Well... I'm pregnant" I said. Josh stared into the camera

"I- It- You- Is it mine" he asked

"Well yea, I'm a month pregnant. We had sex a month ago, so..." I said

"I'm gonna be a dad" he asked excitedly

"Jo- yes" I said as I chuckled a little

"How is this gonna work" he asked

"Uh... I don't really know. I would suggest requesting off in like 8 months cuz that's when the baby's gonna be due. Or you could just come later or earlier. Idk, you decide" I said

"I'll be there at the end of your 3rd trimester. I think the total amount of time that I'll be able to get off is like 3 weeks" he said

"Idk, we'll see" he said

8 months later

"OW! Omg, TORI" I said as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach as a liquid gushed out

"What happened" she said as she walked closer to me

"My water broke" I said

"Okay, well let's go" she said as she rushed me to the car

"WAIT, where's Josh" I asked

"He just landed. I'll tell him to go straight to the hospital"

9 hours later

"Meet Benjamin Carter Patenaude" Josh said to Tori, Rory, Lia, Jaden, Kylie, mama, papa, and Antonio

"Eww, what is wrong with his face" Antonio asked

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