We Back Baby

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3 days later
9:05 am

We pulled up to Tori's house and got all of our luggage out the uber before ringing the doorbell

"Hey yall" Tori said as she gave Rory and I hugs

"The kids sleep" Rory asked as we walked into the living room

"Yea" Tori said

"Roman still got baby fever" I asked

"Hell the fuck nah" Tori said making us laugh

"What happened" Rory asked

"Well, to start, he didn't realize how much work it was to take care of kids. Secondly, yo child..." Tori said pointing at me and taking a deep breathe

"Lordt, yo child is a handful" Tori said

"What'd he do" I asked

"I told him to put his iPad away and go to bed and he threw a fit. When I say fit I mean like rolling around on the floor, banging his fist on the floor, and kicking for a good 20 minutes" Tori said

"Did you call Josh" I asked

"No" she said questionable

"You didn't call him at all" I asked

"No, I just told him to go to bed" she said

"He was probably throwing a fit cuz he always facetimes Josh at bedtime. I'm not tryna make excuses for him I'm just saying" I said

"Why you aint tell me that" Tori said

"Well, idk. I kinda forgot but I also thought you knew that. Idk. That's my fault for not telling you" I said

"Mommy" Ben screamed as he ran up to me

"Hi baby, I missed you" I said. I gave him a tight hug and kiss

"I missed you too" Ben said excitedly as he wrapped his arms around my neck and laid his head on my shoulder

"Hi T-Ro" Ben said as he gave her a quick hug before climbing back into my lap

"Where's dad" Ben asked

"He's on the plane. We're gonna pick him up later" I said

"N-" I already knew he was about to start whining and boohooing so I interrupted him

"Don't start whining, use your words" I said

"Why isn't dad here" he asked

"Cuz he's on the plane, bubba. He'll be back in a couple hours" I said. Ben folded his arms and pouted

I heard little pitter patters approaching and soon enough Royle came running into the room

"Mama" she said before hugging Rory tightly. She gave me a quick hug before cuddling up with Rory


Ben and I were in the airport waiting for Melo to land. Ben hopped out of my arms and ran and jumped into Melo's arm

"Hi dad" Ben said

"Hey buddy" Melo said giving him a kiss

"Hey Riri" Gelo said as he walked over to me and gave me a hug

"Hey bro, how was the trip" I asked

"It was aight. We won 105-84" he said

"Ohh wow that's good" I said

"Are you going driving back with us" I asked

"Nah, I'm staying out here with Jaden for a lil bit" he said

Love of my life - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now