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I was sat in between Melo and Kylie at the thanksgiving table. Melo, Gelo, Zo, Zoey, Don, Eli, Tori, Lia, Rory, Roman, Kylie, Kelly and I were all in LA in the old house for Friendsgiving/thanksgiving.

"Excuse me" I said as I got up and went to the bathroom. I did my business and went to return to my seat but as soon as I walked out the bathroom as I was pushed back in

"Maribel Anne, this is the fifth time you've went to the bathroom today" Tori said

"I need to pee, wtf you want me to do" I said

"I want you to take this" Tori said as she handed me a pregnancy test. I pushed it away

"Stop" I said

"No, you don't remember much from that night Riri. What if yall didn't use protection and you're pregnant" she said, I covered her mouth with my hand

"SHHH, why are you so loud" I said

"So, you hear me and stop ignoring me. Here" she said as she placed it in on the counter

"Im not taking it" I said

"Ok, well you're also not going back to that table" she said. I looked at her confused

"What" I said before she quickly left the bathroom and closed the door firmly behind her. I went to open the door but something was keeping it closed

"Are you serious Tori" I said

"Dead serious" she said

"Omg, fine. Just to prove you wrong" I said as I sat back down and peed on the stick. I knocked on the door

"I'm done" I said before the door swung open before Tori walked in. We sat there for a second before we heard a knock on the door

"Yall good in there" Jaden asked from the other side of the door

"Yup, just fine" Tori said

We waited a few minutes before Tori picked up the test. She looked at it emotionlessly before looking up at me and handing it to me. I took a deep breath before taking it from her hands

"I'm not pregnant" I said after looking at the test.

"Oh, shit. I was scared shitless. I deadass thought I was pregnant for a quick minute" I said as I let out a deep breathe and sat on the floor

"Thank god, I really wasn't tryna have a baby running around" Tori said as she sat down next to me

"Ay, yall good" Melo asked as he walked in. He looked at me before looking down at the pregnancy test in my hands. His eyes widened before he looked back up at me

"I- You're-" he stuttered

"It's negative" I said

"If it was positive would you have told me" he asked. I looked at him blankly

"Obviously" I said confused

"Oh" he said

"Why wouldn't I" I asked

"Idk, I was just making sure" he said

"Why you making sure like we together or something" I asked confused

"You know what? Imma excuse myself. Have fun with yalls little chat" Tori said as she got up and left quickly. Melo huffed as he helped me up

"Look, I'm sorry Riri. I really am, but you always rubbing it in my face and shit is not gonna change what happened" he said

"Exactly, nothing can change the fact that you cheated on me. I'm not just gonna ignore it so you can feel good about yourself" I said

"I don't feel good about myself Riri. I feel so guilty and awful for doing that to you" he said

Love of my life - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now