LA Visit

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1 week later

"Mom" I heard a soft whisper wake me from my slumber

"Who's talking" I asked

"Benny" he said

"C'mere" I said, pulling him into the bed with Melo and I

"Why are you so cold bubby" I asked as I pulled the covers over him and cuddled him

"I don't know. Can you make breakfast" he asked

"Do you wanna lay down with me until I feel like fixing you breakfast or do you want dad to make it for you right now" I asked

"Uht uht, don't bring my name into this. Go make the boy breakfast" Melo said

"Dad, can you make me pancakes" Ben asked

"N- Ask your mother" Melo said

"Pancakes make me nauseous so you have to make them" I said

"Yea dad, you should know that" Ben said as he poked at Melo's face

"My fault" Melo said. Ben laid on Melo's chest

"You make pancakes now" Ben asked

"Mhm, c'mon" Melo said as he got up and went to pick up Ben

"No, call me when it's done" Ben said

"Boi, what the fuck? If I'm up, you up" Melo said

"Language" I reminded as I snuggled up with Ben. Melo rolled his eye and walked out

"Mommy" Ben said

"Yes baby" I asked

"Can I go see Granny and Big Baller today" Ben asked

"Call them and ask" I said. Ben ran and got his iPad before climbing back into bed with me

"Hi Granny" Ben said as he smiled in the camera

"Hi Ben" Tina said

"What are you doing today" Ben asked

"Zoey here. You come wi-th Roy-le" Tina asked

"Oh yea" Ben said excitedly. The door opened and Melo walked in with a plate of pancakes

"No, no. Please don't eat that in here" I said

"Whyyy" Ben whined

"Because you're whining and pancakes make me nauseous" I said

"Okay. After I eat can I go to Granny's" he asked

"Tina what time do you want him there" I asked

"Now" she said with a smile

"Alright, after you eat go get dressed, please" I said. Ben smiled and then gave me a kiss on the cheek before going to the dining room to eat his breakfast. Melo climbed back into bed with me and laid his head on my stomach

"Do you have work today" Melo asked before placing soft kisses on my stomach

"No, but I'm gonna go to LA today" I said as I played with his curls

"Why" he asked

"Cuz Ben wants to go to see Tina so I'm just gonna stay in that area" I said. I called Rory and told her to get ready so we could go to Chino

Melo and I got up and got ready



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Love of my life - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now