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5 months later

"Benny" I whispered, trying to wake him up. Ben shot up out the bed

"Daddy's coming" he screamed

"Yea, he is" I said as I gave him a kiss

"My daddy's coming" he whispered to my stomach before giving it a kiss. My stomach's hella big cuz B got Melo's big ass gene's. We told Ben I was pregnant 3 months ago and he's just the cutest, sweetest big brother. He's so calm around me now, he throws fits every once in a while but he doesn't kick or hit anymore he just grumbles and whines or cries

"You ready for breakfast" I asked

"Yes ma'am" he said. Ew, "ma'am"?? Ugh, I hate being called ma'am, makes me feel old and grandma-ish. Ion even know why he calling me that, cuz he don't usually do that

"You okay, baby" I asked

"Yes ma'am" he said. Lordt Jezus my heart is breaking hearing that ma'am shit.

"Why you calling me ma'am bibo" I asked

"I don't know" he said as he shrugged his shoulder

"You mad at me" I asked as I picked him up and walked to the living room

"No, I love you" he said. Aw, he's just so cute and adorable

"I love you too baby" I said as I handed him to Melo

"Hey dude" Melo said as he hugged him and gave him kisses

"Hi dad" Ben said as he cheesed. Melo put him down and passed his plate of breakfast

After Ben finished eating the doorbell rang

"Is that daddy" Ben asked

"I don't know, let's go see" I said. Ben and I walked to the door. I opened the door and saw Josh standing there smiling. Ben jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly

"Daddy, I missed you" Ben said as he clung to Josh

"I missed you too Benji" Josh said

"Mommy's pregnant" Ben blurted out. He just be telling everybody. He told Rory, Gelo, Tina, my mama, and LaVar I was pregnant so Melo and I just told the rest of our family after that.

"I know, are you having a brother or sister" Josh asked

"I don't know" Ben said

"Which one do you want" Josh asked

"Both" Ben said as he smiled at me

"You're getting one" I said as we walked back to the kitchen

"Hey Melo" Josh said as he dapped Melo

"Wassup" Melo said. Josh went to put Ben down in a chair but he began to squirm

"NOOOOO" Ben screamed as he wrapped his arms around Josh's neck

"Okay, okay. Sorry" Josh said. Ben laid his head on Josh's shoulder

"You want Daddy to get you ready" I asked

"Yea" Ben said as he wiggled his way out of Josh's arm and grabbed his hand and lead him to his room

"Hi B, it's dada" Melo said to my stomach. I felt a tap in my stomach. I smiled and moved Melo's hand to where the baby was kicking for the first time. Melo looked at me with a weird face before pulling his hand away

"What the fuck is that" he asked. This nigga looked scared shitless

"B's first kick" I said as I laughed lightly. A smiled tugged at Melo's lips

Love of my life - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now