Birthday Boy

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6 months later

Today's Ben's first birthday! This lil boy is getting so big. He can now say mama and dada, he can walk pretty well, makes animal sounds, plays peek-a-boo, his favorite people are Josh and Antonio. He's the cutest, sweetest, lil baby and I just can't get enough of him.

Today, we're throwing him his birthday party in Chino Hills at the Ball Estate. Tina, LaVar, Josh's family, Mama, Papa, Antonio, Rory, Lia, Don, Eli, Tori, Noni, Rob, Maria, Yank, Zo, Zoey, Denise, Gelo, Jaden, Kendrick, Jerick, Richard, Nick, Josh, Melo, Kittle, Roman, Jamal, Mawmaw, Pawpaw, Kylie, and Kelly are all coming. I'm not really sure who invited Melo's grandparents but they RSVPed so I just let it slide

"Good morning baby. Happy Birthday!" I said as I picked Ben up out his crib and gave him a kiss

"Mama" he said excitedly. I walked out of his room and put him in his high chair in Rory, Lia, and Don's house. Rory and Don were now engaged and she was 4 months pregnant. Melo, Ben, and I were staying at their house and Tori was staying in a hotel with Roman

I placed cut up strawberries and grapes on Ben's plate and gave him a bottle of milk

"Morning" Rory said as she walked downstairs

"Hey Ro, hi baby" I said as I rubbed her stomach. Ben waved and smiled at her

"Hey Doodie, happy birthday" she said as she gave him a kiss

"Good morning! Hey bud" Melo said as he walked in

"Ooh" Ben cooed as he reached for Melo with his strawberry covered hands. Melo walked over to him and gave him a kiss. Ben began to fuss so I just wiped his hands off so Melo could give him a hug or whatever

"Happy Birthday" Melo said as he picked him up and tickled Ben

"Hi Doodie" Lia said as she took Ben from Melo and gave him a hug. Ben giggled at her. Lia walked and and said happy birthday to ben before starting on breakfast


I sat down between Melo and Josh at the birthday boy table. Ben crawled into Josh's lap and I rested my head on Melo's shoulder

"You tired" he asked

"Yea, I need a nap" I said as Noni and Bobbie walked up

"Hey guys" Noni said. I'm not gonna lie I was a lil uncomfortable

"Hey yall" I said as I tried my best not to be rude. Noni gave Melo and I a hug before looking at Josh who was blowing raspberries on Ben's stomach as Ben laughed and giggled

"Is this the baby" Rob asked

"Yea, that's Ben and his dad Josh" I said. Josh looked up and saw Noni and Rob

"Hey nice to meet you" Josh said

"Nice to meet you, too. I'm Noni, this is my husband Bobbie" she said

"Wow, he's grown a lot" Bobbie pointed out as he looked at Ben

"Oh, for sure. Is he walking yet" Noni asked

"Yea, kinda sorta. It really just depends on if he wants to be held or not" I said

"That's great. Melo, Riri, could we talk to you all, privately" Noni asked

"Sure" I said as Melo and I got up and walked away with them

"I'm so sorry. I should've kept my opinion to myself. I realized that that was not my place or my business and I sincerely apologize for putting you guys in such an awkward and uncomfortable situation" Noni said

"It's all good, thank you for apologizing" I said before she brought me into a hug

"I apologize as well. I shouldn't have opened my mouth. I'm so sorry it took so long for us to apologize" Bobbie said

"It's okay" I said as I hugged him

"Melo?" Noni questioned

"I mean, if she's over it I guess I'm over it" he said. He awkwardly hugged his grandparents before we walked back to the table with Josh

"Those are the grandparents that were being rude" Josh asked

"Yea, they apologized" I said

"Mmm... okay" he said as he continued to play with Ben

"You're still upset" I said as I looked at Melo

"I'm just mad that they didn't apologize before showing up to the party" Melo said

"I understand but just let it go for today" I said as Denise walked up with Zoey

"Hey guys, is this the baby" Denise asked

"Yea, hey Zoey" I said as I gave her a hug before Melo picked her up and sat her on his lap

"Oh my goodness, he's so adorable" Denise said

"Thank you" I said. I don't know why she was being so nice. Not really sure why she was invited either, I mean obviously Zoey was gonna be invited but Zoey coulda came with Zo, but oh well she here now, and she not causing any drama so Imma let it slide

"Hey guys" Zo said as he walked up with Gelo

"Wassup bro" Gelo said as he took Ben from Josh and hugged him

"Move, lemme see my nephew" Jerick said as he grabbed Ben from Gelo and gave him a tight hug

"Move. Lemme see my godson" Kendrick said as he picked up Ben and gave a kiss on the cheek. Ben giggled and laid his head on his shoulder.

Everyone else showed up and told Ben happy birthday. Once everyone got adjusted and everything we decided it was time for cake. Josh put Ben in his lil highchair before I put the cake on the lil plate thing. Everyone sang happy birthday and recorded before he blew out the candle on his cake.

"Is it good" I asked as I fed Ben some of the icing. Ben just stared at me

"Oooohh" I said as I put his hands in the cake. Ben looked at me with an unamused look

"No? You don't like it? Okay, no need to catch an attitude" I said as I wiped his hands off and moved the cake away before taking him out the highchair and putting him on the ground so he could walk. He waddled over to Melo and reached for him to pick him up. I jumped a little as I felt someone's hand on my shoulder

"Hey! Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" Maria said

"Oh, hey" I said as I laughed at myself

"I just came over to congratulate you on raising Benjamin so well. He seems so sweet" she said

"Oh, thank you" I said

"Alright, well Yank and I have to go. I wish you the best and can't wait to get the wedding invitation" she said as she smiled and walked away. Wedding invitation? I turned around seeing Melo staring hella hard at me

"Hey" I said as I walked up to him. Ben was playing with Zoey and Antonio

"What'd she say" he asked

"She just congratulated me on raising Ben" I said

"What'd you say" he asked

"Thank you" I said

"You forgive people to easily" he said

"Well, what was I supposed to say? No thank you" I asked rhetorically

"Nah, I'm just saying you forgive too easily" he said

"And if I didn't yo cheating ass would be single right now, so be grateful" I said

"You right" he said

"I know I am" I said.

The rest of the day went well. In my perspective, Ben had a good birthday and got to hang out with a lot of his family.

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