A New Beginning

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4 months later

Tori, Ben, and I recently completed our move to Charlotte, North Carolina. We live with Melo in a really big house (at top). Ben is now 6 months and smiles, laughs, semi-crawls, he pulls up on things, reaches for objects and people, sits up all by himself, and sometimes holds toys and objects for short amounts of time. He's literally the cutest lil baby I've ever seen. Melo and I have been going really well. Tori and Roman are doing the long distance and I think it's going pretty well, at least from what I've seen. Josh is coming in town today. He and Melo are like best friends now which is good

"Good morning" I said as I crawled on top of Melo and began kissing all over his face. Melo groaned before wrapping his arms around my waist and kissed my lips

"What time is it" he asked in his morning voice

"6:45" I said

"Why you woke me up so early" he asked

"Cuz I wanted to spend time with you before Ben woke up" I said

"You tryna do a quickie" he asked as he smirked at me. I sucked my teeth

"Bruh, can we just lay together" I asked as I pecked his lips and cuddled closer to him. He hugged me tighter before pecking my neck

"I love you" he said

"I love you too" I said before Ben started moving around on the baby monitor. I sighed before getting up and walking to his room

"Hey bubby" I said as he reached for me. I picked him up and gave him a big kiss and walked back to Melo and I's room. I sat down next to Melo and fed Ben. After I finished Ben crawled into Melo's lap

"Hey lil dude" Melo said as he gave Ben a hug and kiss

"Benny, guess what" I said as Ben turned to look at me

"Dada's coming today! Are you excited" I said as he smiled at me. Melo was gonna be picking up Josh from the airport since Tori and I had to go to work from 9:45am-12:30 and Josh arrived at 11am.

"C'mon, you wanna go wake up Tatie with me" I said as I picked Ben up and walked towards Tori's room. I placed Ben on Tori's bed and he crawled to her before laying on top of her.

"Morning Cookie" she said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek and tickled him. He giggled

"What time is it" she asked

"7:30" I said

"Alright, Imma start getting ready" she said as she gave Ben one more kiss before handing him to me. I walked back to Melo and I's room and handed him Ben.

"Can you give him like a tablespoon or so of baby food. Like you know, feed him with a spoon. And then after that can you wipe him off and get him dressed" I asked

"Yea, you letting me pick his outfit" Melo asked as he got excited. I shrugged

"I mean, he gonna be with you most the day so I guess" I said. Melo gave me a kiss before dancing around with Ben in his arms

"You gonna be looking fly today boy" Melo said as Ben giggled at him

"You goofy" I said as I walked into the bathroom and took my shower and everything before putting this on



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Love of my life - LaMelo BallWhere stories live. Discover now