Chapter 6: The "Gang"

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Mikey happily took my hand, but then a distressed look overtook his face.

"Hey can you like... not mention this to anyone?"  He was now very shy and looked even more scared than before.

"Yeah of course."  I feel bad, I would never try to embarrass him.

"Thanks, it's just... my older brother goes here and I'm scared of what he'll do to that guy if he finds out."  The smile returned to his face however there was still worry in his eyes.  Damn I wonder who his brother is if even his family is scared of what he's capable of...

"Yeah... um you might wanna do something about your glasses if you don't want him to find out" I said laughing lightly at the end.

"Oh god yeah" he said as he took off said glasses to examine them.

"Hey, just make a quick stop by the art room after school.  Ms Jackson will be more than happy to give you some tape or something."

"Oh really!  Thanks... I should get going now" his face fell a little as he got to that last part.

"Oh yeah... my teacher will be wondering why the hell I took so long to use the bathroom."  We both laughed a little while we both stood up to go our separate ways.

"Oh and Y/n..." Oh god please be something good... what if he asks for my number or something... I mean he's pretty cute... OH MY LORD Y/N STOP HE'S A FRESHMAN!

"Yeah?"  I tried to act as nonchalant as possible as I turned back around to face him.

"Do you know where the freshman math classrooms are"  There's that god damn smile again... but why does it look kinda familiar?

"Yeah it's just down this hall, take the first left and then the next first left and they should be on the right."  I gave him a reassuring smile as I turned back around.

"Thanks" and with that Mikey left.

After using the bathroom, history went on as normal and I left the classroom without speaking to anyone else.  Just the way I like it.  My next class was gym... ew.  I kept my head down the entire time I was in the locker room because face it if I looked up I'd probably see something I didn't want to.

I continued to focus on the ground as I threw on the white T-shirt and navy shorts I dreaded so much.  I least these shorts cover up more than that damn skirt... I need to buy I new one soon.

My teacher was too lazy to have us do any actual activity, so we just went outside to walk around the track.  Great this couldn't get more boring.

About two minutes into my lonely walk, somebody tapped on my right shoulder.  I spun around quickly ready to fight anyone trying to mess with me for the third time today, but I looked down a little just to be met with Frank who I apparently didn't notice was also in this class.

"Hey... you look pretty lonely."  No shit Sherlock.

"Oh really I had no idea" I couldn't help but be sarcastic as I spoke.

"Well me and the gang are just hanging out right back there if you want to join."  As I looked over to where he was pointing I saw a group of about three guys standing in a circle under the bleachers.  Fuck it.  It's better than walking alone.

"Why not" I spoke calmly as I starting making my way toward the bleachers.

"Oh shit he's looking!"  Before I could process what was happening, Frank had grabbed my wrist and starting sprinting to the group of guys.

"What the fuck?!"  I asked once we had stopped running and were standing next to the other guys.

"Teacher looked up from his phone... I don't think he saw us though" Frank was still trying to catch his breath as he spoke.

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