Chapter 13: Gerard's Bitch

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"OH YOU LITTLE BITCH" Gerard shouts as he made his way toward me.

"Woah woah woah, watch it there" Ray says as he steps in.

"Oh c'mon Ray" Frank whines as he throws his head back.

"What the fuck is happening" Gerard growls as he looks at me over Ray's shoulder.

"We thought it'd be funny to tell Y/n to drink all your coffee" Frank says trying to stifle a giggle.

"I don't see how that's fuckin' funny" Gerard says aggressively.

"Well seeing how pissed you are right now is pretty funny" Mikey speaks up.

"I hate you, all of you... but I hate Y/n the most" Gerard mumbles the last part.

"Right back at ya" I snap back.

Time Skip: 3 Weeks

We've been in school for a month and it's normal... well whatever my version of normal has become.  I'm still hanging out with Frank's group, school is still shit, and Gerard and I are still moral enemies.

It's Monday morning and I'm walking to my locker when I see the same red flyer posted all around the school.  I finally get to my locker and see that there's one posted on the locker next to mine.

"Homecoming Dance: Saturday October 3rd" the heading of the sign read.

I remember homecoming last year, it was great... well it was great at the time.  Looking back at it, it makes me sick... I don't think I'm going to go this year.

I continue to grab things from my locker and shove things from my backpack in there before slamming it shut.  I walk down the hallway to my Chemistry class, and when I walk in I'm met with too much energy for my liking.

"Y/n Y/n Y/n Y/nnnnnnnnnn!"  Frank exclaims as he runs up to me. God motherfucking damnit Frank it's not even 8 o'clock and everyone is now staring at us.

"My god Frank it's a Monday morning, what on earth could be making you this energized" I question.

"Look" Frank says as he grabs my hand and drags me over to our table.

He ravages through his backpack before he pulls out one of the red flyers.  He has a big smile on his face as he holds it up to me.

"Soooo?" I question, clearly unamused.

"So? It's the greatest night of the year!" Frank looks at me as if I'm crazy.

"It's not that great" I mutter as I get out my materials for class.

"Yes it is-oh you don't even know do you?  Last year, me and the guys spiked the punch and spray painted all the stalls in the guys bathroom next to the gym" Frank says more quietly.

"That was you?"  I whisper yell.

"Fuck yeah it was, and we're gonna raise hell again this year and you're gonna help us" Frank says giddily as he shoves the paper back into his bag.

"If you say so" I say plainly just as the bell rings. I guess I am going to homecoming this year.

Chemistry is really boring, the teacher is just giving us busy work and it fucking sucks.  It's dead silent, so I can't even talk to Frank. Ever since that first day the teacher always keeps a close eye on us too which is bullshit.

After what feels like forever, the bell finically rings signaling the end of the class.

"Bye Frank" I wave as I walk off to art.

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