Chapter 7: First Day Down

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Detention was really boring. Frank and I were the only ones in the room seeing as apparently we're the only two sophomores to get in trouble the first day. The teacher supervising us told us we weren't allowed to speak and we couldn't be on our phones. To make matters worse, I finished all my homework within the first twenty minutes, so I was just left to sit there and do nothing.

Suddenly I remembered my sketchbook I kept I'm my backpack and pulled it out along with a pencil. I mindlessly sketched as the minutes ticked by. Before I even knew it a sketched a drawing of the guys and I hanging out... the only person missing was Gerard. I was contemplating just leaving him out but it felt wrong in a way. I was just getting to his basic outline when the teacher urgently stood up.

"I'm using the restroom... don't try anything" she said cautiously as she walked out of the room.

Frank and I just turned to each other once she was completely gone. Do I ask him now... I mean I've been dying to know since lunch... fuck it.

"Frank" my voice was just barely above a whisper as I spoke.

"Yeah..." Frank had a questioning look on his face as he waited for me to speak up.

"Why is a- I mean Gerard the way that he is?"  Damn it I almost called him asshole again.

Frank just signed and put his head in his hands before he started to speak.

"Listen I know you're going to be pissed, but I can't tell you everything... it's really personal and he hardly talks to anyone about it.  Just know that he had a... an incident with a girl last year, so he doesn't really... trust them anymore.  I'm sure if you just give him some time he'll warm up to you... just don't push him..." Frank opened his mouth again as if he were going to continue speaking, but he just closed it and looked up at me.

"...And?"  I mean he was being a complete jerk before I even did anything... I have the right to know, in full, why he hates me.

"...And he's just dealing with a lot of stuff right now... he doesn't really seem like himself sometimes, but I know he's trying his best to get better."  Frank looked really sad as he spoke and I actually felt bad for him.

"Oh..." was all I managed to squeak out before the teacher came back into the room.

I went back to my drawing of the guys and I, finishing the sketching just as the teacher spoke up again.

"Well it's four o'clock, so the two of you are free to go" she said mundanely.

I quickly stuffed my sketchbook and pencil back into my bag and started out of the classroom.  Once I got into the deserted hallway I turned my head to see Frank trailing behind me.

"Hey Frank?"


"Why do you want me to be a part of your friend group so bad?  I mean don't get me wrong, I'm flattered... but I just seem to be causing more tension and problems with Gerard and all..."  I genuinely wanted to know his answer.  I mean it's great for me to try to make some new friends after... them, but it just kinda seem irrational on his end.

"Because you're a good person Y/n, I can tell.  I could tell as soon as I saw you beat up Ethan this morning that you have good morals and are loyal.  And sure things might seem weird now, but I assure you it'll work out in the end... I really think you and Gerard will get along great one day" a smirk came across his face as he finished speaking.  What the hell does that even mean?

"Oh uhh also this Friday after school we're all hanging out to celebrate the start of another school year and I-uhh-I was wondering if you want to come.  Ya know I think it could help break the ice."  He looked at me with the same pleading eyes he used earlier after lunch.  Fuck it.  I have nothing left to lose.

"Yeah sure that sounds good!"  I was actually kinda excited to have plans for once.  Damn I haven't hung out with anyone for like over a month!

"Rad... well I'll see you later Y/n" Frank waved as he turned to walk right onto the sidewalk as I turned left.

"Bye Frank!"  And with that I started to make my way back home.

I put my earbuds in as I walked and reflected on all that had happened today.  I punched one of Chris's teammates, met a new friend in Chemistry and got detention with him, met a guy who hates me for no real reason, watched the guy who hates me have a fight with one of his fuck toys, met my new friend's friend group, saved the guy who hates me's brother from the guy I punched earlier, and made plans to hang out with these guys after school Friday.  Damn.

By now I was already back at my house and thankfully both my parents were still at work, so they wouldn't know that I'd gotten detention again.  I walked to the pantry and pulled out a granola bar and trudged upstairs to my room.  I threw my backpack into the corner of the room and then rifled through it until I pulled out the sketchbook.  I sat it on my desk with plans to finish the sketch I started earlier.  With one look around I turned on my heel and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

I got out of the shower and was completely ready to go to bed despite it only being six o'clock.

I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and opened it to see that I'd gotten Instagram follow requests from Frank, Ray, and Mikey.  Oh course Gerard wouldn't bother to follow me... not like I'd accept him... yeah I'd probably decline him and then laugh when he'd get mad about it.

I scrolled through my phone a bit more and worked on coloring my sketch until I hear the garage door open.  I came fumbling down the stairs just in time to see my parents walk through the door.

"Hi sweethart!  How was your first day of school" asked my mom who always found way too much interest in my personal life.

"Nothing much... I met some people who I might become friends with, but that's nothing" I tried purposely to sound bored while I spoke in hopes that she'd stop prying me for information.

"Oh... that's nice" she said noticing that I wasn't really in the mood to elaborate.

I walked over into the kitchen to see a bag from some restaurant set on the counter.  Nice.

"Sorry for working so late, you know how things get when business picks up" my dad who was putting his shoes and jacket into the closet said to me.

I just nodded in response despite him not being able to see me.  I mean I know they just want the best for me, but they work so much I hardly see them.  I'm even surprised they got home this early and it's eight o'clock!

"We just picked up some sandwiches for dinner since mom wouldn't have time to make anything" he continued speaking after my silence.

"Okay" I said as I dug into my food.

Dinner was pretty good.  I just ate by myself though seeing as I didn't want to have to wait for my parents to eat together.  I don't know why but I'm always getting tired really early... it's probably nothing.

After I finished eating, I headed back upstairs after yelling goodnight to my parents.  I brushed my teeth and then jumped into my bed pulling the comforter and blankets over me dramatically.  I began to drift off almost immediately, but right before I was completely out I could've sworn I heard my phone vibrate.

Eh it can't be that important, I'll just see what it is tomorrow morning.

Author's Note:
Yeah I know I forgot to update, whatever.  Also this time I'm serious: THIS IS THE LAST SLOW MOVING CHAPTER!  I know this was mostly a filler chapter but I have a somewhat non-shitty idea for the next chapter so get excited for that.  Have a great day/night everyone!

Perfect Enemies (Gerard Way x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora