Chapter 20: Aftermath

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I absolutely hate how good this feels.

Knowing I have to put on a good show in order to get my ten dollars, I toss my arms around Gerard's neck and pull his body closer to mine.  Shockingly, he goes along with this and pulls my hips so that our bodies are completely against each other.  I can feel his lips curve into a smile as he makes me literally bend over backwards.

Ok... this is... ok?

I finally pull away to breathe and notice Frank, Ray, and Mikey staring at us with large eyes while the other people near us in the pit are whispering to each other and glancing in our direction.

"Oh fuck" I mutter as I look around.

I quickly rush out of the room and make my way toward the front door.  I fling said door open and quickly make my way down the sidewalk.

What the actual fuck were you thinking Y/n?!  You fucking hate Gerard and he hates you too.  He only kissed you in order to carry out his revenge.  You shouldn't have liked it that much.  Do you know how much shit you're gonna get from this?  What will Gerard say?  What did he think about it... hopefully in the morning of his relationship he doesn't even remember this ever happened.

Before I even know it, I'm back next to Gerard's car.  Well this was stupid, there's nowhere I can go.  I live on the complete opposite side of town from this place.  I guess I'll just sit on the curb and wait for the guys to get done so I can go home.

Not even thirty seconds pass before I hear footsteps coming in my direction.

"Oh, guys she's over here near the car!"  Mikey walks around so that he's standing in front of me.

"I want to go home" I mutter, unable to make eye contact with him.

"Oh uhh well we kinda picked up on that" Mikey says quietly.

"I'm really fucking stupid aren't I" I ask, looking up at him.

Just before Mikey is about to respond a string of voices grabs our attention.

"Frank, you're doing nothing you need to put his arm over your shoulder like this" Ray's distinct voice chides.

"I'm trying!  It's not my fault he's even worse of a wreck than before" Frank whines.

"If she knew she wouldn't have ran away like that, she probably wouldn't have even agreed to kiss him in the first place" Ray tries to reason.

Among all of this banter there's heavily sniffling and gasps coming from someone else.  What the actual fuck is happening now?

I stand up and turn around to be met with quite the odd picture.

Gerard is walking with both his arms around Frank and Ray's shoulders as he chokes back tears.

I can't help but to just stare in shock at what I'm currently seeing.

"We're going to my house for some much needed rest" Ray affirms as Frank and him toss Gerard into the back left seat of the car.

"I don't even want to know" I say as I climb into the back row of the car next to Mikey.

"God I feel like a fucking mother who can't keep their rowdy children under control" Ray huffs as he gets into the driver's seat.

"We technically didn't do anything wrong" Frank tries to reason.

"Frank take a good hard look at Gerard back there and tell me that you did nothing wrong" Ray snaps back.

"That wasn't us!  It was fucking Berlin isn't that right Gee?"  Frank turns around in the passenger seat giving Gerard a hopeful look.

"Fuck Berlin.  Fuck love.  Fuck all of this."  Gerard repeatedly hits his head against the window with every sentence he speaks.

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