Chapter 1: Hell

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Beep Beep Beep

"Fuck" I mumbled as I aggressively swung my arm over in an attempt to slap the living shit out of my alarm clock.  After completely missing and instead just slapping my bedside table, I decided to take a more normal approach and just pressed the button.  I am not looking forward to this.

I heaved myself out of the comfort of my bed and trudged downstairs.  God damn is it cold.  What the hell I thought August was supposed to be hot.  I went to the pantry and chose a brown sugar cinnamon Pop Tart to throw into the toaster.  While that was heating, I started to make myself a cup of coffee because god knows I'm going to need it to get through this day.

I sat alone and ate in silence seeing as my parents had already gone to work.  After looking through my phone for a bit, I realized that I had finished my Pop Tart and coffee and dragged myself back upstairs to the bathroom.

I proceeded to brush my teeth, wash my face, and do everything else to make myself look somewhat presentable.  I was just starting to think that this might just be alright when I opened my closet.  Then I saw it.  You've got to be fucking kidding me.  It was just simply hanging there but its existence alone made my blood boil.  I continued to rip the uniform off its hanger and throw it onto my bed.  Curse my parents for sending me to private school.

I got dressed and strolled over to the full length mirror in my room.  God it's been so long I've almost forgot how slutty this thing really is.  I looked myself up and down taking everything in.  My white long sleeve dress shirt was thankfully hanging lose from my body.  Thank you freshman Y/n for thinking this through and getting a size bigger.  I decided against wearing my blazer out of fear that my shithole of a school wouldn't have the air conditioning on yet and I'd be left sweating my balls off.  Continuing to look down, I came to my skirt.  You've got to be fucking kidding me.  I guess someone must've grown over the summer because this thing was hella short.  I mean this thing was really fucking short.  That's what she said.  I slapped my arms down to their sides and saw that my skirt only came down to my wrists.  Well fuck.  Looking back up I noticed that my red tie was actually neatly tied for once and that my h/l   h/c hair and makeup looked good too lightening my mood a bit.

Despite the whole skit situation, today really hasn't been that terrible yet.  I know it'll get there later but so far, so good.  I sat downstairs on my phone seeing as I still had five minutes until I had to leave.  I decided to open up Instagram only to see I picture that Valerie posted four minutes ago of her and Brittany at Starbucks.  "✨Sophomore Starbies✨"  You've got to be kidding me.  You were normal like a month ago and now you're really regressing back to middle school?  Huh.

After thinking about Valerie and Brittany for probably too long, I checked the clock and saw it was time to go.  I grabbed my black backpack that I had already packed the night before-Thank you again past self -and headed out the door.

I walk to school.  It really isn't the worst thing in the world seeing as I live about a mile from the school.  Sure in the winter it can be brutal some days, but it's not as brutal as when I took the bus and eighth grade and the seventh graders would play "Deepthroat" by cupcakKe on a speaker.  Yes, that actually fucking happened and I've never rode the bus since.  I had put in my earbuds playing- I don't even know exactly what I'm listening to because I was too lost in thought, but I'd like to assume it was some really tight shit.

Before I even knew it, I was approaching the fence surrounding the campus.  "ID" the lady standing at the gates said as she stuck her hand out towards me.  I fumbled around a bit seeing as I still had one of my earbuds in and I was carrying my phone in my hand.  Finally, I was able to pull my student ID out of my skirt pocket and hand it to the woman.  After looking at it for not even a second, the woman handed the card back to me.  "Have a good day" she said to me.  "You too" I replied monotonously as I proceeded to walk forward.

Well it seems as though I've successfully entered the gates of hell.

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