Chapter 22: Escaping Feelings

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After a few minutes Gerard breaks the awkward silence that had filled the car.

"Shit" he mumbles.

"What" I question.

"I need to get gas"

"Oh there's a station right up here on the left"

"Yeah I know"


We pull into the gas station in a tense silence as Gerard hops out of the car to pump the gas.

I watch him intensely as he puts the pump into the car and stands waiting for it to fill up.

My spaced out state is broken when he quickly snaps his head, making direct eye contact with me. Shit...

He raises his eyebrows and then blows me a kiss all with his stupid cocky smirk on his face.

I simply scoff and roll my eyes at his smug self.

After a minute or so Gerard hops back into the driver's seat and turns the car on.

"Ah shit we're gonna be late" he says once he looks at the clock.

"It's probably fine, Frank says he knows a girl who works there so-"  I'm cut off by Gerard flooring it and tearing off down the road. Too unbothered to say anything I just watch the world around us fly past.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, we make it to the Way house. Frank, Ray, and Mikey come rushing out of the house as soon as we pull up.  Damn they must've been waiting at the windows like children.

Frank rips the door open and throws himself into the middle seat in the back row with the most shit-eating grin on his face.  This cannot be good...

"What took you guys so long?"  Frank can hardly contain his excitement as he speaks.

"Oh we had to stop to get ga-" I start.

"Did you guys fuck" Frank cuts me off.


"Well what took you guys so long then?" Ray asks.

"We had to get gas... maybe if fucking Frank would listen to what Y/n was trying to say-" Gerard tries to reason.

"Why does Y/n get shotgun" Mikey pipes up.

"I'll gladly switch with yo-"


"Oh you wanna see me 'fucking drive' do you?"

And with that we take off going probably over 100 miles per hour down the rode.

Conversation in the car is light, mainly just complaining about homework and obsessing over our favorite songs at the moment.  Gerard is noticeably silent, but I don't pay no mind to it.  Minutes pass and before I know it we've arrived at our destination.

"FINALLY" Frank screeches before bouncing out of the car and through the front doors of the establishment.

As the rest of us approach the strip mall I take note of the black sign illuminated by neon green lights that reads "Full Moon Escape Rooms."

Ray being the sweetheart he is holds the door open for Mikey, Gerard, and I.

"Thank you" I chirp.

"You're welcome Y/n" Ray smiles.

"I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW IT'S NOT MY FAULT GERARD WAS LATE BECAUSE HIM AND Y/N WERE TOO BUSY FU-" Frank rambles excitedly to the orange-haired girl behind the front desk.  I have definitely seen her before, I can't remember

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