Chapter 3: Angsty and Artsy

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I proceeded to make my way out of the sophomore wing and out to the elective hallway. I took Art last year and my teacher really liked me. I passed that class with flying colors, so this year I'm taking Advanced Art. This is probably the only class on my schedule that I'm actually excited about. Also, since it's an advanced elective, there probably won't be a lot of people in my class and I'll probably be the only sophomore.

"Y/n?! Is that you?!" I heard the melodic voice of Ms Jackson call as soon as I crossed the threshold of her room.

"Hi Ms Jackson!" I said with genuine enthusiasm in my voice unlike when I met Mrs. Adams.  I mean who can't help but love this woman.

I couldn't help but smile as I made eye contact with the teacher. Ms Jackson was in her mid to late twenties and she had pastel purple hair and big deep blue eyes.  She's like the hip teacher everyone loves.  The new hair color looks great on her.  She quite literally lights up the room.

I used to stay after school a lot last year because Ms Jackson hosted a sort of open studio thing. We talked a lot then and when she had me in class, so needless to say we've gotten pretty close.

We talked for a a couple of minutes while more a few more people filled the class.  We talked about our summers although I didn't tell her in full what happened over mine.  All was going well until something, or should I say someone, caught her eye.

"OMG!  Gerard I'm so happy you're here!"  Damn.  There's like ten other people that'd walked in while we were talking... what makes this... Gerald(?) so special?

I just pulled out my phone and was scrolling through social media, not bothering to look up and see the man of the hour.  The two exchanged a few words with each other before Ms Jackson made her way back towards me.  She was just about to tell me how she came up with our assignment today when-


She whispered a quick, "It was nice talking, Y/n."  Then stood up to address the class.

"Hello class!  As you all know I'm Ms Jackson, it's so nice to see all of you return to my class and take Advanced Art this year!"  One of the best things about her is her passion for art and helping students... she really is amazing.

"We're pretty split across the board this year, I'm pretty sure we have five seniors, five juniors, and two sophomores."  Wait two sophomores?  I quickly whipped my head around to look at the others in the class when I locked eyes with someone doing the same.

Well I guess that's the other sophomore.  The boy had shoulder-length greasy black hair.  Haha you can tell that shit's been dyed one too many times!  He has these piercing eyes that literally were burning into my soul at this point.  What even are those brown(?)... green(?)... hazel!  They look hazel.  After looking at each other for not even a second, this kid got this pissed off look on his face, scoffed, and then went back to listening to Ms Jackson.  Great just another asshole that I'll probably end up punching the living shit out of by the end of the year.

"So since it's the first day and I don't want to go to hard on you, I just want a piece that just by looking at it I feel like I know who you are as a person" Ms Jackson continued on. "The only way you'll get points off is if you're really obvious about something. For example, don't draw a paint brush because you like to paint. I'd like everyone to go around the room and present them at the end of class so keep that in mind also." Really this is it? I mean... fair enough.

I put my earbuds in and listened to music as I got to work. Like I said Ms Jackson is really chill. I started by sketching out a silhouette of myself, before moving on to the background. I thought that doing a lot of bright colored designs and random things towards the edges of the page and darker ones towards the silhouette. I worked very quickly using markers because they give off more pigment than say pencils.

I had finished and picked up my phone to see a message from an unknown number.

Unknown                                                            You

Table in the back left corner near the window and bathrooms

Oh this must be Frank

Ok thanks see ya there

Just then Ms Jackson stood up and started having people present their pieces. I listened as more and more people stood up to present. God all these people are so bland and boring.

Finally it was my turn to present. I walked up and faced the class. "So as you can see the black silhouette is me and it's black and the objects and designs around it are also black because it's like the missing piece to the puzzle. Things further away from the silhouette are brighter and more colorful because I think that represents society and they're expectations as a whole. The silhouette and things around it represent me and what I hold close to me and they're different because they don't really fit in with everything around it." Oh god what the hell was that. I can't even tell you what I just said.

Ms Jackson had a bright smile on her face as she looked at me. "Amazing Y/n I really loved it. That was so insightful and dare I say deep" she said the last part sarcastically. My face held a small smile as I went back to my seat and sat down.

Gerard's POV:

Now it was the girl I was looking at earlier's turn.  Her e/c eyes looked determined and her h/c hair bounced lightly as she walked up to the front of the class and started to speak. God you can just tell she thinks she's all that.

"So as you can see the black silhouette is me and it's black and the objects and designs around it are also black because it's like the missing piece to the puzzle. Things further away from the silhouette are brighter and more colorful because I think that represents society and they're expectations as a whole. The silhouette and things around it represent me and what I hold close to me and they're different because they don't really fit in with everything around it."

God damn talk about "I'm 14 and this is deep" energy. Like I'll admit the drawing is badass, but talk about the most cliche explanation ever.

"Gerard?" I smirked at Ms Jackson as I strutted you the front of the class.

"So if you look you can clearly see..." I looked around the room as I continued to speak. Nobody was paying attention besides that other sophomore girl. I know I'm a lot to take in but is the intense staring really necessary?

Before I even knew it, I had finished giving my explanation I had already memorized while actually drawing.

Y/n's POV:

I listened to asshole guy as he spoke about his drawing. God you can just tell by the way he's speaking he thinks he's all that. Like just his movements too. I already can't stand him.

" yeah that's basically it" he said as he finished his explanation. As he walked back to his seat he had the smuggest look I have ever seen on his face. Damn... he really thinks he's the shit.

"Great job today everybody, I'll see you all tomorrow!" Ms Jackson looked absolutely thrilled as she spoke.


Alright on to the next class... math!

Author's Note:
Yeah yeah I know the title is cringe, deal with it. Also someone please comment how they think the story's going because I want to hear your guy's thoughts. Have a great day!!!

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