Chapter 10: Oh Frank

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"Fucking delete this!" Gerard shouts angrily at Frank.

"Too late" Frank says in between laughs.

"What do you mean too late" I interject.

Mikey then held up his phone revealing the same picture that Frank had sent except it was on Snapchat. The text on it read "things are getting hot n heavy already🤷‍♀️😂💦🤭". Oh this motherfucker is in for it now.

"Who the fuck posted that?!" Gerard looked around at the guys like he was about to murder them.

Mikey just pointed at Frank who now looked hella pale and his eyes were wide. Frank suddenly bolted off to god knows where and Gerard followed in suit.

After a few seconds we heard a door slam shut followed by a bunch of banging and Gerard's yelling.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you Iero!" Gerard continued banging on the door as he yelled.

"Oh come on you know you love me... well not as much as you love Y/n!" Frank shouted back at Gerard. Oh hell no!

I run up the stairs to where the noise is coming from and see Gerard banging on one of the doors in the hallway.

"Stay the fuck away from me bitch!" He looks terrified as he notices my presence.

"Oh fuck off or I'll kill both of you" I threaten while I join him and started pounding on the door.

After a few more minutes of us banging on the door and yelling different obscenities at Frank, the handle on the door starts to turn.

"STAND BACK MUTHAFUCKAS" Frank yells as the door swings open revealing him standing there with- what the fuck is that?

Gerard seems to be just as confused as me seeing as he just stands there next to me without saying anything.

It wasn't until we heard the buzz of the clippers that Gerard and I reacted.

"OH FUCK NO!" We both yell in unison as we take off from the now terrifying Frank.

I have no fucking clue where the fuck I'm going seeing as I've never been here before so I just follow Gerard as he ran down the stairs and then opened a door with more stairs that lead downwards.

I immediately turn around and lock the door behind me and continued running... into Gerard's back.

"Sorry" I say as I knock him slightly off balance and we once again end up on the floor.

This time I'm lying face down on top of him, our faces only inches away from each other. Oh god not again.

Before anything else could happen I jump up and look around the basement. There is a couch which sat Mikey and Ray who were once again laughing their asses off, a TV, a desk, and a bed in the corner.

"Damn I wish we got that one on video" Mikey says as I walk over and sit on the couch beside him.

"Haha very funny" I say sarcastically as I lean against the arm rest.

"Wait... where's Frank" Ray sounds concerned as his eyes dart between Gerard and I.

"Oh h-" I'm cut off after feeling myself getting pushed off of the armrest and into Mikey's shoulder.

"The little fuck had the audacity to pull out the fuckin' clippers on us, so we ran." Gerard looks genuinely terrified as he speaks.

I just nod my head as I sit upright, now in between Mikey and Gerard on the couch.

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