Confused feelings

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Val's p.o.v

  It was already halfway into summer time, and I haven't done anything productive. I've thought about going to few parties with some friends, but I was far from a party person. I didn't feel like being around a bunch of drunk people and teen make out sessions. 

   I've been looking at colleges, and started applying to multiple different ones. It didn't even matter to me, to be honest. I was just ready for highschool to be done. 

 If you're wondering if I confronted my dad.... I haven't.

I would've,  but what was gonna happen after I told him? He was already guilty. He hasn't even been on the police force for very long. 

  To be honest, I missed him as a spanish teacher. He is always tired, barely smiles, and it doesn't seem like he's enjoying it as much as he thought. 

         I kept thinking about Taylor and how she got beaten up in front of the whole school. I couldn't get it out of my head. Her hands trying to protect herself as she kept getting kicked in the stomach and head. 

I felt a familiar sick feeling in my gut. Everyone was just watching, no one dared to stop it, even the teachers. I haven't heard a word from Taylor since the summer began.

 I wanted to be happy about being a senior, but I couldn't. I didn't even wanna go to that school anymore. Blake, Zane and their goons ruined it for me.

   My legs were crossed on my bed as I sat and planned out my college essays. My mind was too distracted. Truth is, I wanted to call Taylor, see if she was alright. If I'm being honest, I was scared she saw me watch her get beaten. 

   I did nothing. I walked away. 

''Fucking coward'', I whispered to myself. Deep down, I wanted to make sure she was okay. It seemed like we've grown this weird friendly bond. We've even kissed, which is something we never talked about. 

 "Fuck it!" I muttered, getting off my bed, and grabbing my car keys. I had to see Taylor. 


MACY'S p.o.v.

 I played with my thumbs nervously, as I waited for the police officer to come back. Currently, I was sitting in a chair at the police station, my dad got a phone call about the fight that happened to Taylor, and they wanted some answers. 

    I glanced at my dad, who was reading a newspaper, and then I glanced at the clock on the wall for the 100th time. My breathing was fast, and my heart was pounding. I've already told them I haven't seen the fight. Which wasn't true, but.....I didn't wanna be involved at all. 

  For high schoolers, Zane and her twin sister Blake were as cruel as they come. I've gotten on there bad side once, I didn't wanna get on it again. 

The door to the police station opened, and in walked Blake in a school uniform with two people wearing a badge around their necks.  Her dad came through the door next. He was clearly angry.

    What was she doing here? 

I gulped. Please let me disappear. 

   Blake's face was emotionless, and I soon noticed she had a pair of handcuffs on behind her back. 

 It's what she deserves, I thought. She's a lunatic. However, I wandered what she could be getting arrested for this time. I rolled my eyes just thinking about how whatever charges wouldn't stick. Her dad held power in this city, mostly power operated by fear. 

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